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Lovely and Very Short
Citation:   stokesmachine. "Lovely and Very Short: An Experience with Sinicuichi (exp104560)". Oct 21, 2016.

    Heimia salicifolia  
    oral Heimia salicifolia (tar / resin)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Sinicuichi Wonder

I read thoroughly and exhaustively prior to experiencing Sinicuichi. Couldn't find much. Must confess that the lack of: research, common experience, and experiential reports attracted me :>)

I boiled down the leaves in a pyrex measuring cup for 30 minutes on the stove (please remember not to use pyrex, other than in the oven… mine shattered when placed on a room temperature surface. We all like to be brought up and down gradually). I then strained, returned the remaining liquid to the heat (in a metal saucepan) and boiled down to a brownish glue/paste. Applied the paste with my fingers to both edges of a rolling paper, then added some mulled Damiana. 30 minutes later, no effect. Same after 45 mins…

So I licked the remaining residue clean and chased down with a (far more palatable) Shiraz. 30 minutes later found myself outside smoking a cigarette. It was mild, rainy and windy evening at around 10pm.
My self felt heavy and relaxed, but not unresponsive to movement. Auditory? Yes. I felt a sharpening. Visually? No CEV's, but one OEV was singular, and could have perhaps also been similarly appreciated by a 'control' friend next to me? Dunno!

I have tripped before on Lucy, so at least had some reference point. It had been raining on and off. A strong wind was blowing an ancient and huge 20 metre tall spread Banksia tree around 5 metres from me (climbed regularly by me and my kids, individually, jointly and separately). There was a streetlight that the Banksia interposed. When the wind blew a gust, my attention snapped to it. A beautiful array of 'star like' water droplets on each leaf was illuminated (switched on and off) by the background light source. The wind and the movement of the tree brought them randomly in and out of sparkle. The effect was similar to staring at a point in the night sky, where eventually background would succumb to foreground (over excited and fatigued retina?) This was more subtle. Stars don't tend tend to move around much, but the wind was facilitating that for the leaf droplets :>)

After studying for a few minutes, the attention focus would alternate between figure and ground. The entire colour and lighting feel was quite different depending on which was demanding focus, but never imposing.
I guess, for me, loving nature's brilliance is never more than a step in any direction, so… Sinicuichi was lovely for me and very short.

It is invaluable to read other experiential reports, but also a complete waste of time :>) With my Sinicuichi experience, I can only really tell you as much as I can about me… Too many variables to be really scientific, but then again, show me the value of the average person's response, and I'll give you a thousand exceptions!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104560
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Oct 21, 2016Views: 3,262
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Heimia salicifolia (150) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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