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Enough to Skip One Dose of My Medication
DXM & Gabapentin
Citation:   rconcolor. "Enough to Skip One Dose of My Medication: An Experience with DXM & Gabapentin (exp110535)". Oct 15, 2019.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral DXM  
  T+ 2:00 90 mg oral DXM  
  T+ 0:00   oral Pharms - Gabapentin (daily)
DXM for Analgesia

This is a trip report for DXM from a more medical perspective. Yesterday was my first experience with DXM. I dosed 150mg, then 90mg at ~T+2:00 for a total of 240mg. The trip itself was nothing notable, it felt like a very strong crossfade with some color enhancement beyond what weed and alcohol would give. But that's not the important part here.

I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a disorder of the collagen that causes all of my joints to be hyperflexible to the point of quite bad pain on a daily basis. This includes pain of basically every type I can think of - widespread muscle and joint pain due to constant dislocations, and worst of all from my perspective, quite severe neuropathic pain in my knees and feet. I am prescribed 1800mg of Gabapentin per day, which does a decent enough, if slightly insufficient, job of relieving the pain. In DXM, I was seeking an alternative of sorts, not for constant use, but for sporadic use that would allow me to occasionally skip out on doses of my medication to save for days of more severe pain.

DXM provided me with decent analgesia, enough to skip one dose of Gabapentin.
DXM provided me with decent analgesia, enough to skip one dose of Gabapentin.
Towards the tail end of the trip, (appx. T+6:00) the neuropathic pain returned in a way I was not comfortable with, prompting me to take my second dose of Gabapentin for the day. The next day (today), I had a somewhat reduced level of neuropathic pain, but not quite enough to skip out on a dose of my medication again.

I am very pleased with these results at somewhat low dosages, and will definitely return to DXM again for recreational and pain relief purposes.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 15, 2019Views: 2,392
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DXM (22) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3)

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