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A Storm Coming
Mushrooms, Cannabis & Cigarette
Citation:   Mushyman. "A Storm Coming: An Experience with Mushrooms, Cannabis & Cigarette (exp114021)". Dec 29, 2023.

T+ 0:00
30 caps oral Mushrooms (fresh)
  T+ 0:45 1 hit smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had tried mushrooms once prior to this night. I am a relatively regular cannabis smoker. I live in a small rural town in New Zealand, and mushrooms happened to grow pretty freely here. My friend “K” and I had been shown which mushrooms to pick from some of the older kids. Our first time taking them together we had about 10 each, K said he was tripping but I felt nothing.

A couple of weeks after this K and I decided to go on a mushroom hunt. I was determined to trip this time so we made sure to gather a decent amount. By the time we were done picking we had about 50 mushrooms all in all. After picking we went back to K’s place and waited for his parents to go to bed. I had smoked a joint or two with his mum before but I don’t think she would have been too keen on having 2 teenagers tripping balls in the house. So we waited for what felt like forever, I could feel the anticipation building more and more until they finally went to bed.

We went to K’s room and split up the mushrooms, first the big ones, then the medium ones and finally the small ones. We ate them with a packet of biscuits to mask the taste. About halfway through K said to me “I want you to actually trip this time” and pushed some of his big mushrooms into my pile. I was like hell yeah man I’m all for it.

We finished eating the mushrooms then went to watch tv in the lounge and wait for them to kick in. K’s older brother “D” arrived and I had a chat to him, nothing had kicked in yet so it was pretty chill. After about 15 minutes he headed off. By this point it had been about 45 minutes since we ate the mushrooms. I still wasn’t feeling anything and K had a little bit of weed so we lit up the bong. Another 20 minutes passed and I told K that I still wasn’t feeling anything.

I looked at a mattress that was on the floor and all the designs began to writhe like snakes. I glanced up at the wall and a painting of Times Square completely came to life, I felt like I was looking through a window. I was completely awestruck. I had to go to the bathroom, caught my eye in the mirror and ended up being stuck there for 45 minutes or it could have been 5 minutes. My concept of time was completely out the window.

When I came back K was tracing his finger very deliberately along the dining table. I said something along the lines of “what the fuck are you up to” and he told me to come look, and I did. The wood grain was flowing at the exact same rate that his finger was moving. I was really tripping hard by this point, and loving every second of it.

I sat down at the table to join K and he had found D’s art book and we perused through it, astounded by the depth of the pictures that we had never seen before. Everything felt alive. K and I decided it would be a cool idea to go take a walk outside, so we got up from the table, got ready to leave then forgot what we were doing so returned to the table since it seemed “safe”. I have no idea how long we were stuck in this loop for but it felt like hours. Anyway by some miracle we actually made it outside. The minute we went through the door, the whole trip felt different.

It was an incredibly clear night, I remember looking at the moon and thinking it looked like a piece of cheese which I found really amusing at the time. I then noticed the stars; for the first time ever I could physically see the space between us and the stars then the space behind them, and it dawned on me how tiny and insignificant we all are, I felt like less than an ant. I couldn’t tear my eyes away.
for the first time ever I could physically see the space between us and the stars then the space behind them, and it dawned on me how tiny and insignificant we all are, I felt like less than an ant. I couldn’t tear my eyes away.
I remember checking the time and it was something like 3 am.

I snapped out of my trance to notice K beckoning to me from the top of the driveway, saying we should go for a walk, so we set out. As we got about a quarter of the way down K’s road he pulled out a cigarette which we shared. I wasn’t really a smoker at that point but it gave me a hell of a head rush. We continued walking when K stopped suddenly. He looked me in the eye and said we needed to go back home. I asked him why, I was enjoying the walk and saw no reason it had to end. He told me he was scared, then told me there was a storm coming.

As soon as he told me that, the whole sky was covered with clouds, K and I were both frozen to the spot completely unable to move. Then we saw this gigantic metal craft fly over us with all manner of flashing lights on it. We tried to run but our legs just would not work. Then it was gone as soon as it had come, we had our legs back, we both ran full tilt back to K’s house. As soon as I got in the door I asked him “Did you fucking see that?! and he said “I saw it.”

By this point I just wanted the trip to be over and felt surprisingly sober. I pulled out my phone and noticed all the icons on the screen were dancing around, nope, definitely not over. We hung out in K’s room for a bit and he fell asleep, my mind was still racing on what we had seen, I found K’s iPod and searched desperately for a familiar song, found Lithium by Nirvana and listened to it on loop until I finally got some shut eye.

A sense of interconnection remained with me after that night which has never left. I completely accept that we are all one consciousness, all part of the same whole. But whenever I think about it now, while I accept it as the truth, I never seem to find any profundity in it. I had really bad panic attacks for a few years afterward. After that night I could sense when mushrooms were growing. Every time I had this indescribable feeling, I would check and they would be there.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114021
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2023Views: 17
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Post Trip Problems (8), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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