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The Resonance Project


Alexander Shulgin Interview, by Scotto
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 50-55

Burning Man: Experiments in the Primal Dreamscape, by Kyra Edeker
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 22-23

Commentary: MDMA Neurotoxicity, by Lamont Granquist
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 14

The Dharma of Ibogaine: an Interview with Eric Taub, by James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 18-25

Dr. Rick Strassman on DMT, an interview by Scotto and James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 27-33

Inside the Entheogen Review: An Interview with David Aardvark, by Will Beifuss
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 56-59

MDMA Toxicity Debate: Recent studies and responses, by Earth Erowid
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 12-15

The Medical Marijuana Debate, by Kimberly Cooperrider
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 11

Terence McKenna Interview - Part II, by James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 4, Spring 1999, 34-50


Anesthetizing: Karl Jansen, by Michael Pinchera
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 54-56

Ayahuasca Cookbook
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 52-54

Bruce Pavitt: Punk Rocker in the Jungle, by Robert Weinstein
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 27-33

A Cult Leader Explains his Craft: An Interview with El-Mir, by Mike Rose
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 12-15

Datura: Yerba Del Diablo, by John McCloy
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 18-25

The Dennis McKenna Interview, by Michael Pinchera
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 55-58

D.M. Turner: an interview, by Elizabeth Gips
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 34-40

Entheogens and the Future of Mind: Engineering a Visionary Race, by Richard Thieltges
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 40-45

Fractalstein: An Interview with Ralph Abraham, by Salem
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 47-52

Genuine Imitation Borametz: Psychoactive Snake Oil, by John Hanna
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 34-39

An Interview with Francis Jeffrey
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 24-25

Ketamine: Metaprogramming from Within the Eye of the Storm, by James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 28-33

Mapping the Mycelial Network: A North American Distribution of Psychoactive Fungi, by John W. Allen; Jochen Gartz; Gaston Guzman
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 46-49

Prolegomena: An Interview with Terence McKenna - Part I, by James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 42-45

Ripping the Net: A User's Guide to Netrip Theory and Application, by Scotto
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 18-21

Vaporized, by Jon Hanna
The Resonance Project Vol 3, Summer 1998, 57-59

Virtual Neuronal Networks: O/S for a Global Brain?, by Jason Keehn
The Resonance Project Vol 2, Winter 1997/8, 21-24


The Galactic Harmonic Primer, by James Kent
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 37-39

Neuro Inversion: Meditations on Externalizing the Mind, by Gordon Hogenson
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 40-43

Occult Genetic Code: The Great Primordial Language Rediscovered, by Steve Krakowski
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 44-49

Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain, by Ronald Turmel
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 51-55

Sage Wisdom: Salvia divinorum Branches Out, by Robert Campbell
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 34-39

Salvia divinorum Cultivation Tips, by Will Beifuss
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 32-34

Santo Daime: Psychedelic Catholicism from the Rainforest, by Charlie Kidder
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 22-25

Pioneers of the Virtual Underground, by Andrew Edmond
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 14-16

Vine of the Souls, by Charlie Kidder
The Resonance Project Vol 1, Summer 1997, 18-22