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Be Careful! (Urinary & Cognitive Problems)
Citation:   Regretful. "Be Careful! (Urinary & Cognitive Problems): An Experience with DXM (exp33505)". Apr 28, 2008.

1000 mg oral DXM
Let me first start off by saying that I'm not exactly the smartest person in the world. I'm pretty good with books and writing, but when it comes to actual intelligence (judgement, resourcefulness), I'm an idiot. So, if you read my experience report and think to yourself, 'Man, only a dumbass would get in that situation,' then you're right.

For a period of about two months, I was into DXM quite heavily. I would drink about 8 fluid ounces per day, three times a week for about two or three weeks. I took a couple of weeks off when the trips started to become more and more mundane, until I finally decided that my dosage was too low. I moved up to 12 fl. oz., once or twice a week for the next couple of weeks. Two or three times I used exceptionally high doses of 16 fl. oz.

Just after Christmas, I decided to try to reach for 'Sigma plateau' (see Erowid's DXM FAQ), still searching for the ultimate trip. The first time I tried it, it wasn't much more intense than an eight fluid ounce trip. I tried it again the next day, still not getting to where I wanted to go. I tried it again for a third time the following day. Later on, I would read that Sigma plateau should only be attempted, at most, once every several months, and here I was doing it for the third day in a row. This should stand as indisputable, concrete evidence of my stupidity.

I woke up the next morning *extremely* hung over. My pupils were still dilated and I felt like I had been ran over by a truck. I wasn't too concerned, however, until I tried to go to the bathroom. I felt like I had to urinate, but when I went to go, nothing would happen. For several hours, I tried to go but to no avail. I tried everything from taking a hot bath to sitting on the toilet to pressing on my lower abdomen. Nothing was working. Finally, the urge to go was so great that I had to tell my parents what was wrong. My dad drove me to the emergency room, where I was catherized (that's where they shove a thick piece of tube down the urethra to drain the urine). They sent me home wearing the catheter, which wouldn't be taken out until two days later. I finally told my parents what I was up to, although they had long suspected that I was on something.

The long term effects have been pretty bad. I now have to urinate frequently. One cup of coffee is enough to have me peeing every ten minutes. My short term memory seems to be severely damaged. I can't remember someone's name that I just learned five minutes before. I have trouble selecting even simple words when I'm talking, usually resulting in me rambling on and not making much sense. I used to be an excellent speller, but now I have to double-check words that I used to write all the time because they don't look right in my head. I just graduated and took the year off from school, so I haven't really had much of a chance to do complex mathematical problems, but I'm fairly certain that I'll be impaired in that area, as well (not that I was ever very good at math in the first place). I didn't have insurance when I went to the doctor, so I now have a medical bill of over $1,000 USD. I've lost the respect and trust of my family, who used to think of me as 'the smart one.'

I'm not writing this to try to talk people out of doing DXM or drugs in general. I'm just leaving my story so that people know what the dangers can be. Anything is bad for you if you abuse it, and that's exactly what happened in my case. Personally, if I had the chance to turn back time, I would have never done DXM; not even once. I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I've lost so many skills I used to take for granted. Again, just be careful if you're going to do this, and definitely stay away from it if you have poor judgement.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 33505
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2008Views: 28,274
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DXM (22) : Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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