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The Page Was Turned, I Was the Page
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Che Cafe. "The Page Was Turned, I Was the Page: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp67464)". Nov 24, 2023.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I went into this with some trepidation. It had been over 10 years since I had any sort of psychedelic experience and my experimentation with drugs had ended badly when I was given some bad acid that turned out to be mostly PCP. So when my friends started raving about salvia, it peaked my curiosity. I had tried some once before without knowing what it was and it had zero effect on me so I was a little skeptical. But, according to my friends, well-versed anthropologists all, here was a drug that could deliver a powerful psychedelic experience that would end quickly. Even if it was a bad trip, I wouldn't be stuck in it panicking for hours. I made up my mind to give it a try.

I got some 5x at the local headshop and brought it home. I had some friends around who were experienced with salvia and willing to babysit me. I felt relatively safe but I was still very nervous. However, I wasn't able to experience the full on salvia trip that first evening.

After a few beers at the bar we headed home. We lit some incense and smoked a bowl of weed, then set up the water pipe for the salvia. We had a special bowl just for the occasion. I packed it up and hit the pipe. Just a small hit. Nothing. I was so scared I was shaking. The memories of my bad trip and all the consequences of it were heavy in my mind but I shook it off and took another small hit. Nothing. Another small hit and then finally I felt something. Not much. A little pull to the right, some enhanced colors, and difficulty gathering my thoughts. So I waited to see if it would get any more intense. The effects went away after a few minutes.

I repeated the process a few minutes later. A little hit, wait, a little hit, wait, another. I finally got pretty high. I felt as if the room was skewing to the right 45 degrees and I felt my body, especially my arms, sort of opening up. This spread through my whole body until I felt the back of my head opening. This was not painful in any way. That was enough for me that evening.

A few days later, with a lot of salvia left, I tried it with my girlfriend. She did basically the same thing I had done the first time with similar effects. I had read up on it a little bit and decided to try big hits with only 20 second waits in between. I did the first huge rip, counted to 20, and let it out. Second hit, same thing. On the third hit is where things got a little different. I took the biggest hit of my life and I was thinking 'This is sure gonna make cough' and settled in to try and hold it in. I started counting to twenty and a little while later found myself all the way up to 40 in my count. So with a little astonishment at my accomplishment, I exhaled and that is when the whole world changed.

The first thing I noticed is that I was very light. If I didn't hold onto the easy chair I was reclining in, I was certainly going to float away. This feeling was probably from holding my breath for forty seconds. It was very short lived and then the opposite almost immediately happened. Gravity was pulling me down and to the right, while the left side of my body was dissolving away into reality. Reality had become a pink latex membrane that was trying to fold over from right to left.
Gravity was pulling me down and to the right, while the left side of my body was dissolving away into reality. Reality had become a pink latex membrane that was trying to fold over from right to left.
My girlfriend reached over to take the bong out of my left and I shoved it at her, expecting to have to use a lot of strength to push my arm through the membrane, but I was astonished at how effortless my movement was. I'm surprised I didn't throw the thing at her.

Once that was done she left me alone and I took off. The membrane effect was going full blast now. I was the membrane, the membrane was reality, and that membrane was peeling away, like a page being turned, and the other layers of reality were stacked beneath it. The pages just kept turning and turning until I started to feel I was melting into the chair. At that point I began to return to normal. I feel if I had had one more hit, I would have melted through the chair as the last page of the reality book turned over me. None of these effects were frightening but being folded or turned did feel really weird.

I was able to maintain some amount of detachment during my experience which enabled me to keep from being scared or panicking. I really look forward to using salvia again to see if I can get that membrane to fold me down into some other reality.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67464
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2023Views: 39
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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