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Shamanic Quest for the Spirit of Salvia
The Divinatory, Visionary, and Healing Powers of the Sage of the Seers
Rating :
Author(s) :
Ross Heaven
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
2013(pb,1st ed,f)
Publisher :
Park Street Press
Salvia divinorum has been used since ancient times by the Mazatec shamans of Mexico for divination, vision quests, and healing. Known by many names--nearly all associated with the Virgin Mary, who has come to symbolize the spirit of salvia--this plant ally is now regarded as the most powerful natural hallucinogen.

Providing the first practical guide to the shamanic, spiritual, and therapeutic uses of salvia, Ross Heaven shares his in-depth quest to connect with the spirit of this plant teacher. He explores recent clinical research into its many long-term psychological effects, such as increased insight and self-confidence, improved mood and concentration, and feelings of calmness and connection with nature, as well as salvia's potential for combating diseases like Alzheimer's, depression, and even cocaine addiction.

Reviewing the traditional Mazatec ceremonies surrounding salvia's harvest and use, Heaven describes appropriate methods of consumption, typical dosages, and the shamanic diet he used to increase salvia's effectiveness. Examining firsthand accounts of salvia journeys from around the world, he decodes the meaning of the symbolic images experienced during salvia's ecstatic embrace and details the interplay between salvia and the lucid dreaming state. Comparing salvia to ayahuasca and the San Pedro cactus, Heaven explains that salvia's greatest strength as a shamanic plant ally lies in its ability to connect you with your higher purpose and aid you in envisioning your unique path in life.

Ross Heaven is a psychologist and healer with extensive training in the shamanic, transpersonal, and psychospiritual traditions. The author of more than 10 books, including Plant Spirit Shamanism and Cactus of Mystery, he teaches workshops on shamanism and plant medicines and coordinates trips to Peru to work with indigenous shamans. He lives in Spain and the United Kingdom.