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Divine Mother Terminal
DMT & Meditation
Citation:   zaanpedro. "Divine Mother Terminal: An Experience with DMT & Meditation (exp100276)". May 26, 2021.

2 hits smoked DMT
Dose: about 60 mg

I prepared to trip in my room, I live with my parents, so I was a little paranoid that my dad would knock on my door whilst smoking. But hey, nothing’s perfect. My mindset was pretty good. Have to go to work in a few hours, but no problem.
Did some mantra meditation to prepare myself and put Pink Floyd’s “Interstellar Overdrive” on the stereo.

Smoked two big hits of DMT and meditated in front of my altar. I became terribly afraid and retreated back to my bed and crawled beneath the covers. I closed my eyes and was in some weird computer-looking room where the walls were made of multicolored beams of energy. Immediately an entity appeared which was composed of these lines which composed the structure of the room, her body was this energy flowing within and without her. This entity stayed with me for the rest of the experience, just clear as day, almost as if I could reach out and touch her. She was clearly female and humanoid. Then, I watched as she made my table altar and all the objects around it go whipping around the room in random, violent directions, as if they were nearly weightless pieces of fabric being ripped around like in a wind storm. Then as quickly as it came, the experience was over.

I personally believe that DMT opens up a world of perception that is just as real as our normal waking consciousness; it is just usually hidden to us normally. I basically think that this drug allows us to see some of the spirit world, or brings us into a plane which can be a meeting place for all conscious beings separated normally by physical space, in our reality. This “drug” is a gift from whatever the fuck is out there that we are too stupid to put into words or understand too well, so respect it and it will hopefully respect you.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100276
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 26, 2021Views: 536
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DMT (18), Meditation (128) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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