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Confused Tongue
Miracle Berry
Citation:   The Tastemaster. "Confused Tongue: An Experience with Miracle Berry (exp101250)". Aug 22, 2018.

1 tablet oral Miracle Berry (pill / tablet)
A few years ago I was beginning college and was opening my eyes to a number of things. One of the more subtle, yet interesting ways in which my eyes were opened was by consuming a miracle berry extract. At around 8 P.M. I attended an event hosted by my R.A. where I obtained the miracle berry tablets. After dissolving a tablet on my tongue, I began to eat the multiple types of citrus fruits available for the event.

There were lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, etc. The tablet worked wonders! It was as if I had traveled to a new land and obtained undiscovered fruits reminiscent of fruits I had eaten in the past but altered in a most wonderful way. Lemons and limes were purely sweet. So sweet in fact that I had to force myself to discontinue my citrus eating binge lest I get a terrible stomach ache and acid reflux. Unfortunately I have not tried this under the influence of any intoxicating substances, but having such an odd change in perception while completely sober was an interesting enough experience.

It may also be important to mention that I had many friends and roommates experience this with me and they also obtained taste-altering effects from this. Also, the tablets may work better than the actual fruit/berry as the effects only work for a few minutes before fading away, so a concentrated dose may be necessary to experience the effects, however I have not eaten the berry itself. Hope this helps :)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 101250
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,252
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