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Sick, Itchy and Numb
Heroin & Cannabis
Citation:   Wylin. "Sick, Itchy and Numb: An Experience with Heroin & Cannabis (exp103333)". Jun 3, 2020.

  insufflated Heroin
Yesterday I tried heroin for my first time. I purchased 3 stamp bags from a dealer, and he claimed it was very potent. I started of with very miniscule amounts. I did a bump about the size of this (--). It came on slowly, and gradually developed into a nice little head buzz. I would relate the feeling to taking about 7.5 mg of hydrocodone. I played online chess for awhile as I tested out the waters of the drug.

I turned on some music, and felt somewhat disconnected from the world around me. Where music on cannabis or psychedelics sounds enhanced, on heroin I felt like it was just extra noise and difficult to feel the groove. I did another bump about the same size. Then another one that was about twice as big. My goal was to reach the state of 'nodding out' that I have heard about from other heroin users. I did another 2 bumps, waiting about 4 minutes between each one. I began to get EXTREMELY itchy. At first it was a comfortable itch, but it slowly developed into a non-stop scratch fest. Then came the sickness. About a half hour after finishing my last bump, I puked. Over and over again. I tried drinking water to ease the sickness. I instantly puked the water out. I tried fruit juice. Puked that out also. Smoked some tobacco out of a pipe. Puked. Scratched. Puked. Scratched. Tried laying down and sleeping.
Puked. Scratched. Puked. Scratched. Tried laying down and sleeping.
When I was laying down, I was finally able to reach a state of comfort, but my stomach was still uneasy. I ended up losing about 3 pounds from all the puking. I looked at myself in the mirror and was pale and sickly. I regretted ever doing that much. It wasn't the 'warm euphoric sensation' that I had heard about. It was intense itchiness and projectile vomiting. During the experience, there were moments of euphoria and good body buzzes, but the itchiness and sickness continued to over ride those sensations and it became more negative than positive. About 6 hours into the experience I smoked some cannabis which helped out with the nausea.

Overall, it was an interesting experience. I still have 2 stamp bags left, and a little extra powder from the first one that I didn't quite finish. I have already promised myself that the remaining amount that I have purchased will be the only heroin I do. I will take it much easier next time I decide to do some. I prefer the feeling of the light buzz over the intense sickness and itchiness. To me, it felt a lot like doing hydrocodone, yet required much less to reach the desired effects. I would not recommend this to anyone, as I could see how it could be habit forming and dangerous. I woke up today feeling refreshed with no hangover. I was relieved that it was all over with. I looked into the mirror, my color had returned, and I could finally get food and water down again.

I must admit, I was a little disappointed. I had always thought that it would be much more relaxing and soothing, but even during the high I wanted it to be over with. Live and learn!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103333
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 3, 2020Views: 1,671
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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