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Solution or Problem
by BxBk
Citation:   BxBk. "Solution or Problem: An Experience with Alcohol (exp103626)". Jan 30, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol
I am nineteen year old male. I have been consuming alcohol since I was approximately sixteen years old. In the past year I have been steadily increasing the amount of alcohol I consume on a weekly basis.
In the past year I have been steadily increasing the amount of alcohol I consume on a weekly basis.
Before this, I was a recreational user -- consuming alcohol only at parties and at family events or other special occasions. In the past year or so, my family has had immense difficulty maintaining our living arrangement. I have been enrolled in university for about two years. I am going into my third year.

As I said, my alcohol consumption has steadily increased since my family has fallen into hardship. I believe this to be the cause of my increased indulgence in alcohol; however, I cannot be truly sure. My first experience with alcohol was fun. I had a few mixed drinks (vodka and cranberry juice) at a family party. It took approximately two or three drinks to get me buzzed. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I indulged in alcohol maybe once or twice a month after this.

Fast-forward to a year ago: I had a few beers on my nineteenth birthday (the legal age to purchase alcohol in my region). This reminded me of the tranquility and fun times that it brought. I began drinking once or twice on the weekend. I forgot my problems and constant stressors that university life had brought to me. I remember drinking around five or six drinks a night (about twice a week, usually weekends). I was able to resist the urge to drink during the week.

I’m on Summer break now, so apart from working, I don’t have many obligations to fulfill. As a result, my drinking has become more frequent. I drink three to five times a week. Recently I’ve tried to cut down; last week I forced myself to go seven days without touching alcohol. I had urges every day, but I did everything in my control to resist them.

The amount I drink has also increased. As I’ve already stated, when I started drinking it only took two or three drinks before I got a buzz. The last two nights I drank between eight and ten drinks in each sitting to get a buzz. I don’t get bad hangovers anymore either. After a night of drinking ten drinks I wake up with – at worst – a very mild hangover (dizziness, headache).

Luckily I’m aware that my drinking is becoming out of hand. I would drink every night if I succumbed to the urges.
I would drink every night if I succumbed to the urges.
I’m going to try to limit myself to two drinking nights a week. I am doubtful that I’ll be able to follow through with that plan. We’ll see. Also of note, after drinking between eight and ten drinks per night the last four out of five days, cessation is followed by nausea and diarrhea. Surprisingly, this is relieved by drinking more alcohol – obviously not the right thing to do. Thanks for reading; I hope it wasn’t too long or too boring. Stay safe!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 30, 2020Views: 1,185
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Alcohol (61) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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