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Snorting It Daily for About 2 Weeks [A-PHP]
by kik
Citation:   kik. "Snorting It Daily for About 2 Weeks [A-PHP]: An Experience with alpha-PHP (exp106914)". Aug 28, 2015.

  repeated insufflated alpha-PHP (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  

Background: Regular weed smoker. Tried cocaine maybe 3-4 times before. I do procrastinate alot though. So I though, after reading several reviews, to give a-PHP a try to help with procrastination.

First time ordered 1 gram about 3 months ago. It was in powder form. Was snorting it for about 3 weeks (very small quantities), until gone. Good initial rush, not so on comedown. Had to either redose, or smoke cannabis to kill the bad effects. By the time I finished it, I could feel mild pain in my kidneys, and when combined with weed, started getting panic attacks (thinking I'm going through a heart attack) which was pretty unpleasant. So I decided not to reorder.

After about a month, I changed my mind, and decided to give it another try and ordered a larger quantity from China, in crystal form.

Was snorting it daily for about 2 weeks. First, although being extremely productive at work and home. I was getting more and more anxious, irritable, almost psychotic. This was solved by some mental tricks (by muting amygdalia and letting grey matter to take decisions, in other words once you get irritated, don't react right away, think what made you feel bad, and then think if you usually get mad in this situation, or blame it on drugs, or distract yourself by concentrating on your pulse or deep breath, or just force yourself to ignore the cause of your irritation.)

At the same time I started losing weight like crazy. Lost, or fried, about 10 kilos of fat and muscles (more fat) in those 2 weeks, looking like a fitness trainer (which is cool). My guess is that, while snorting, a-PHP would irritate/inflamate my thyroid (I would feel it getting bigger while trying to swallow) forcing it to produce more hormones accelerating metabolism. Also could not sleep at night, unless killed the effects of a-php with weed. Same for food: was stimulating appetite with weed, otherwise wasn't hungry.

Also, each time my temperature would go higher and higher. Besides that, I begun to have a sharp kidney pain, which lasted for about 2 days. Feeling that if I push it further I can do irreversible damage I decided to stop experimenting. Slight addiction was counteracted with will power (and weed).

Conclusion: If deciding to use a-PHP, don't push it too far, or you might damage your health.

PS: Incredible weight loosing properties.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 28, 2015Views: 14,786
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