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I Realized I Was Becoming Addicted
Citation:   Eyeamffd. "I Realized I Was Becoming Addicted: An Experience with Acetylfentanyl (exp107307)". Dec 3, 2015.

  repeated   Acetylfentanyl (blotter / tab)
I started taking acetyl fentanyl blotters that I bought off the dark net for two months solid. That’s one of the hardest withdrawals you’ll ever know in life. It’s worse than dilaudid, worse than oxy, worse than hydrocodone, it’s 50-100 times stronger than heroin but still 15 times less than fentanyl.

Acetyl fentanyl: as scary as a name as it sounded at first, it was a warm and welcoming experience that reminded me of the hydrocodone 5’s I got my first time around an ER after the motorcycle accident.

Let’s start with a foretelling. My mother was an alcoholic and my brother was an alcoholic and I have family further up the tree that would have also found themselves with an addictive personality of sorts no matter what the drug or vice. Naturally this brought up concerns that later on in life I might end up the same way. But I’m still not. Nor will I let those forms of illicit behavior creep up on me ever again.

After taking acetyl fentanyl about 1-20 days @ approx 250mcg’s to 1000mcg’s I had good control. When my back was bad I would have another blotter and keep on going. The minimal blotter dose to remain effective for its half life and composition would be 250mcg any less and it’s not correct for the chemical make up.

Realizing what I was doing and such, I noticed that Acetyl fentanyl has not been approved for medical use in the United States and there are no published studies on safety for human use. Although all the time I’ve worked in a hospital I’ve given fentanyl patches and given several hundred IV’s worth of regular fentanyl. Yet I didn’t see a direct distinction of anything even for a map of its molecular makeups. Acetyl fentanyl is not allowed in the US and is technically a Schedule I narcotic because they say it has no medicinal use. But honestly it does. I know it does because I’ve taken it. Even in excess.

I then realized I started taking more and more as time went on. Going from 250mcg’s - 1000mcg’s then going from 750mcg’s - 2250mcg’s after day 50. I realized then I was becoming addicted and needed to stop. So I did. I’m a strong person. Strong minded and willed.

So cold turkey I went without any buprenorphine and no suboxone. I knew the ride would bring me through hell and back unless I seizured out first or had a heart attack. I would be sweating like a whore in church yet be freezing at the same time. I couldn’t sleep and the pain had returned. I couldn’t control anything except knowing that I can’t be a drug addict. PAWS seemed to set in after 6-8 days of detoxing which sucked ass and swallowed also because the sweating comes harder and faster heart rate and breathing at a normal and typical resting rate goes to about 30-40 per min. Yet I kept going. And found myself overly emotional and physically impossible to move and do anything except eat. After day 20 of the detox I still sweat like crazy. But I know I'll never be a drug user again. No matter how informed, understanding, or recreationally sound I wanted to die. I failed to mention it always felt like my insides were on fire the entire time and I had to explain why I wasn’t feeling well for so long.

Everyone understands but it doesn’t help it and it doesn’t take away the pain. And here I thought all my negotiations with the world were just the pain talking, yet they had always known their place before…
I found out after I was clean that I would black out and do strange tasks around the house. Being uncoordinated and being a slob, which I’m usually not.
I found out after I was clean that I would black out and do strange tasks around the house. Being uncoordinated and being a slob, which I’m usually not.
Yet it was the drugs fucking with me.

It took about 20-25 days to get two months worth of daily usage out of my system and yet I still don’t feel right or good.

Just be careful and don’t let my experience or my choices change your opinions of me.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107307
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 3, 2015Views: 6,694
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Acetylfentanyl (692) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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