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This Chem Digs Deep
Citation:   SomeoneWhoIsntSober. "This Chem Digs Deep: An Experience with ALEPH (exp111374)". Dec 23, 2017.

25 mg oral Diphenhydramine
  10 mg oral ALEPH
Height: 5'5'
Weight: 124lbs
Body/fat: 16%

Substance: DOT / Aleph-1 / 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylthioamphetamine
Dosage: 10mg
ROA: Orally

Before administration:
Ate a sandwich 2.5 hours ago. Nothing since. Pre-loaded with 100mg Magnesium, 150mg ibuprofen, and 25mg diphenhydramine for anticipated bodyload. Quick meditative and holistic breathing session beforehand along with simple yoga stretches.
Heart rate: 64 bpm

T- 0:00 - Administration

T- 0:40 - First discernable sign of effects. Energy feels like it is building up in my tailbone area, and spreading out throughout my body. An electric type feeling. Vision appears to have become much sharper, it also feels like I'm looking through a very clear window or piece of glass.

T- 1:12 - Visuals clearly apparent at this point. Ramping up fast. Very fractal in nature. Green, blue, and purple are apparent on edges. Vision is extremely sharp and detailed, every small detail in things seems to go on infinitely, with more details inside every detail. Rather than the flowy-ness of visuals I get with classical phychs, this one seems to have a rotating nature. The fractals in all the surfaces I look at seem to rotate. It isn't clear if they are going counter clockwise or counter clockwise. Both? At the same time? Strange. Going for a walk. Before I forget, my BPM is at 125.

T- 3:00 - Went for a very long walk. Lost track of time. Writing seems to be a chore. The intensity is comparable to ~150 - 200 mics of LSD maybe more. Headpsace is spacey and introspective but not in a bad way. Many similarities with LSD but the visuals are very similar to the first hit of DMT. Everything is very crystally, like they're made of diamonds or glass. Hyper-realistic and HD. Everything especially the trees seemed like they were made of plastic or something and I had a sense that my entire town is like a model town. Many many fractals in detailed surfaces.

While on the walk time lost meaning. I was lost in a parallel train of thought the whole time in my head like I was two places at once. Half here in this world and walking and half somewhere else reliving very obscure past memories. At first glance these daydreams appear to be random and have no meaning but they had some sort of underlying personal meaning to them, that can only be felt and not described. Thoughts are disorganized and scrambled. Everything feels very personal, like it is all here for me, and my life and perspective are very unique. Nobody else can understand my world because language is too limited compared to raw experience.

Just noticed I'm getting lost in thought. Thinking too many things at once. Dispite pre-loading to fight bodyload the bodyload is quite annoying but handleable, sometimes I forget it's there when I get lost in my mind but when I notice it it becomes distracting. It feels like trapped energy in all my muscles and the constant need to stretch but no amount of stretching fixes it. Even though I'm very disorganized and bad at spelling currently typing does seem addictive now. At first I didn't want to type now I don't want to stop. It's very easy to get lost in a task. I like the idea that I can take my thoughts and put them into characters that appear in front of me on a screen. Screens are weird. We've come so far since cave drawings. I believe this is my peak. I'm going to go do something else I've said all that there is to say.

T- 6:00 - Peak subsided. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There's an after-effect that is like electric in my body and it's quite euphoric, but at the beginning it was uncomfortable. My thoughts feel very interconnected now but I'm able to stay more grounded than before. Visuals slowly dying down but still very apparant.

To quickly wrap this up this chem digs deep but the visuals are absolutely stunning and headspace very versitile. I feel like this realm has a lot to offer. Shares many similarities with LSD but feels harsher on the body. Thought a lot about my life and the people in my life and the people I love. Realized that to love other people means to love yourself and the other way around
because we are all one and reflections of ourselves. This isn't a new realization but a refreshing reminder. It's smooth sailing from here.

T- 9:00 - For all intents and purposes I would consider myself fully down now.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111374
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 23, 2017Views: 3,950
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ALEPH (807) : General (1), Alone (16)

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