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Broadening Of My Psychedelic Horizon
ALD-52 & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Idorinointheclub. "Broadening Of My Psychedelic Horizon: An Experience with ALD-52 & Nitrous Oxide (exp111428)". Jan 3, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 ug   ALD-52  
  T+ 2:30 50 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Prior psychedelic experiences: 9 LSD trips (70-230ug), 1 shroom trip (2.7g)

I have now tried ALD-52 for the first time after having it at home for a few months. I took 100ug alone at about 7.30 one evening. I was tired, having slept little the night before and almost just woken up from a longer nap. I ate dinner about 60-90min before I dosed.

Going into the experience I had done research and summarized it by that most people think that ALD-52 is indistinguishable from LSD, or is less visual but also less mind-fuck.

I started feeling something after about 15 minutes but wasn’t sure that it was the drug, but after 20min I was definitely starting to feel the effects. I was watching some TV and I felt that I started to lose focus and my mind starting to wander, which for me is almost always the first effect I feel from psychedelics. I could hint a bit of nausea, but it was no problem. However, as the visuals started to kick in a bit more, that almost-nausea turned into me thinking I would throw up, so I ran into the bathroom, but I couldn’t throw up. This happened about three times during the come-up and then the rest of the trip my stomach hurt a bit, but it wasn’t really a problem and I wasn’t nauseous anymore. I would say that the come-up was slower paced, less confusing and anxiety-ridden than it usually is for me on LSD.

I would approximate that I reached the peak after about two and a half hours. I was somewhat hungry, although I had no appetite, so I ate some fruit and noticed that the taste was much richer and a bit different from when I am sober. I had bought different glowsticks to play with during the trip, but decided not to use them because my visuals effects were entertaining enough. The walls were breathing, and I saw patterns on all surfaces. Music sounded beautiful and I was hearing a weird sound, almost like tapping or weak knocking, but I am not sure if that was a hallucination or if that sound really was there. One thing stood out, and that was that I remember thinking my body felt heavy. My body usually feels uncomfortable during a trip, but this was more euphoric and less electric (although it at a few times felt like my skin was covered in electricity).

During the peak and the come-down I took nitrous, a total of 50 charges. This made my body feel very heavy and increased all my visual and auditory effects. My ability to tell how much time had passed completely disappeared.
I was watching some TV-series and I found them much funnier and laughed way more than when I am sober.

My jaws hurt during the entire trip. I took 500mg of magnesium about one hour before take-off and another 500mg sometime during the come-up, probably about 90 minutes in.

I slept for three hours and then woke up the next day with some afterglow (in a really good mood and a little extra appreciative of the world), but I was mostly normal. Considering how little I slept, I was not at all as tired as I thought I would be. This is a substance I am going to try again. Although I noticed some differences from LSD, it might as well have been the result of not two trips being the same as it might have been the different substances.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111428
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 3, 2018Views: 1,745
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ALD-52 (748), Nitrous Oxide (40) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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