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Glad to Be Back
Citation:   the rodent. "Glad to Be Back: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp112589)". Nov 28, 2018.

5 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  10 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  20 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
One day a guy told me “I don’t believed in god, I will believe in it, just if you’d show me unicorn or giant or some magical thing”. I did not say nothing to him, but I was laughing inside, he surely never believed me, the consciousness for him is a really narrow thing. I did not see any giant in my trip but I think I got really close to god even though I prefer to call it the absolute. That’s my 5-Meo-DMT story.

As many guys of my generation, the first time I have ever heard people who were getting high form a toad was not by a scientific article or from a Timothy Leary book but it was from the Simpson cartoons. I saw Homer licking toads, and his pupils were getting huge, and I said to myself “that’s look cool, one day I will go in these country where those toads live and I’ll try them”. I was a little boy, I knew that you could get high from plants and pills but the idea of an hallucinogenic toad literary blow my mind.

Main years later, when I was experimenting with psychedelics I found that DMT was the most interesting one for me, and so I tried to get as much information as possible about the spirit molecule. In my research of substances closely related to it, I discovered the one natural occurring relative of DMT, was the 5-Meo-DMT, and it was found in the venom of the Sonoran desert toad, my mind blew up.

Strangely the 5-Meo-DMT is still legal in my country, so was relatively easy for me to buy some of it from internet. It was an orange powder without any smell. Asked around my circle of friends and none of them had ever tried the substance and no one would like to try it with me. So I had to go alone, no problem, I read something more and then I was ready to go.

The first time I choose a small dosage (5 mg). I supposed DMT pipe could be fine for smoking the 5-Meo and I used that, but I did not get very satisfied. Just a tiny riddle of smoke came out of the pipe no matter how hard I inhaled. The only effect I had got was a weird physical sensation, and it wasn’t pleasant at all plus I’d got a bitter tasted in my mouth and nothing more.
I tried again the next day with the same DMT pipe but with a bigger dosage (10 mg). Same problem with the inhalation processes and almost the same outcome. I decided to change the smoking device and here my story really started.

I used the chasing the dragon method. I think is most suited. Just a tinfoil, a lighter and a straw. The disadvantage of this smoking device is that I lost some of the smoke, but due to the little amount of 5-Meo-DMT that I use, it was not so hard to catch all fumes exhaled.

The day of the experiment, I was in a good mood, it was the first day of the summer holidays and in the late morning I had to go away from the city in a cool place up in to the mountain, those days was really hot in my town. So I woke up early, at the dawn and prepared my 5-meo session.

I weight 20 mg 5-Meo-DMT. According to what I read it was a fairy high quantity. I put the dust on the tinfoil, the lighter was beneath it. I put the straw in my mouth and then I pulled my head over the tinfoil. I lighted it a bit, I just wanna have a little taste. The smoke started to stream and I inhaled. I felt calm and relaxed after I exhaled, “so that’s a nice sensation, I can handle it” I said to myself
I felt calm and relaxed after I exhaled, “so that’s a nice sensation, I can handle it” I said to myself
, I was ready for the big hit, that was what I thought.

I heated up the tinfoil and, I gave full lungs hit. A smoked all the dust at once, I kept the fumes in my lungs. I felt weird, like somebody or something was lifting me from the floor where I was sitting. Exhaled and KABOOM. There was not the kindness of DMT there was not the warm of the mescaline, but just one huge blast, in some millisecond the reality surround me vanished completely. It looked like someone build a beacon in my room and pointed it’s light straight to my face. “o my god I said to myself, don’t be scare just breath, don’t lose your breath otherwise I’ll die” it’s my first though. I had one hand on my heart to feel the pulse. My heart was the only thing that still connected me to the reality. At closed eyes there was just pure white light. There were no feeling or thoughts in my head, that light was bigger than any other thing I had ever had in my mind. I opened my eyes I couldn’t see that much just my body surrounded by that white light, but I felt it was far away, no longer mine, pure dissociation. I saw a leg and I did think “is it mine” I wasn’t sure. “If someone now enter in this room I couldn’t I explain what I’m feeling now” said a voice in my head. I closed my eyes again. No reality anymore, everything was lost, I was in the absolute, where everything started, start and will begin. Call it the zero point field call or call it God no matter the name you chose I was in it. I felt I was dead, I felt I left my body and I wouldn’t see it again. I pushed the rest bottom, the white light overcame me completely, there was nothing else, the end of the reality, the end of myself.

Little by little I felt I was falling down into myself, I was feeling my body gradually back. I opened my eyes and I still saw the color with a different gradation but now I was in my room and I could lift myself from the floor. I turned on the radio and I find a channel I liked with a lot of good music ( that seem strange nowadays). I laid down on the floor, I felt a peaceful state. The problem that I had looked trivial to me with my new prospective. I met the absolute, what’s bigger than that?
I was glad to be back.

For the all day I was still in that state of mind, super relaxed and really happy. My life was destroyed in millions of pieces in a second and pulled back in some minutes. I remain in this good mood for the whole holiday.

Its short effect and extreme potency . It’s not a joke !!

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 112589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Nov 28, 2018Views: 1,042
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