Kava & Cannabis
Citation:   The Stoned Guy. "Synergy: An Experience with Kava & Cannabis (exp11294)". Apr 5, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2 capsls oral Kava (capsule)
  T+ 0:50 3 capsls oral Kava (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:40 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:30 2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Well to start off I'm about 6'1' and weigh about 165 lb's. The day started by being boring since my friends were gone. I decided to go to my local Grocery store and try and find some over-the-counter herbs. I started by looking at ephedrine. But I have heard many people die from this drug. I came across this bottle labeled Kava-Kava Root. I have heard that it relaxes people and so I went to buy it.

So I went to my home and up to my room. It was around 11:00 PM and my mom was asleep so I decided this is the best time for it. But I had to set some things up first. Before I do any kind of drug by myself I have to set up my room properly. I turned on my lava lamp. Then put on my Hypnogenic screensaver. Turned off all the lights and put on my water fountain(calms me down a lot :)).

11:20 PM: I took two capsules.

11:50 PM: A slightly calm feeling fell over my body.

12:10 PM: I decided to take 3 more pills.

12:30 PM: Nothing new happened just same old stuff.

12:35 PM: I decided I was going to smoke some bud with this. On the assumption that something kool will happen.

12:50 PM: A really nice high off of 1 bowl. I start to have an idea that this stuff mixes well with bud.

1:00 PM: I decide to break up the capsules to get the powder out of it. I load up another bowl and sprinkle some kava kava on it. I inhale a big puff from the bud.

1:05 PM: Almost in a instant I was high. Not just a regular coming high. I got high and it came up like I just sniffed some stuff.

1:25 PM: The feeling of extreme euphoria is present, as with most weed but this was very powerful.

1:50 PM: I decide to smoke 3 more bowls with kava kava on the next bowl and just bud on the next 2. The high was so strong I couln't even seem to put kava kava on the other 2 bowls. Or did I just forget.

2:20 PM: I am watching my Hyponogenic screensaver right now. It is very facinating to watch. I am put in a trance on and off.

3:00 PM: High is still rolling on. Coming down a little bit but this stuff keeps on rolling.

4:00 PM: I'm just about all the way down right now. The after effects are still present from the bud & kava kava.

Overall: Overall this is much better than just smoking weed alone. I would try to not overdue it on the kava kava though, its sometimes a little too strong. On the way down I noticed some minor visual effects, but I usually do on the comedown. I would definitely suggest mixing kava kava w/ bud for a cool high.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11294
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 5, 2007Views: 21,047
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Kava (30), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Personal Preparation (45), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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