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Grandmaster LOL Player
Phenibut & Nicotine
Citation:   Obiwan. "Grandmaster LOL Player: An Experience with Phenibut & Nicotine (exp114045)". May 5, 2020.

2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut (capsule)
    repeated vaporized Nicotine  
I have been trying phenibut out a couple of times to help with anxiety and surely it has worked. From time to time, maybe once every two weeks I have been dosing 500 Mg (2 x 250 Mg HCI capsules) when I go to school and t made me happier, more social and made me speak more in general. I read that I would get a more sedated feeling if I went over 1 gram, so of course I tried 2 (8 x 250 Mg HCI Capsules) grams og phenibut to induce this recreational high. I also vape a lot nicotine, with 18 mg per ml, so keep in mind that this might also have an effect. I'm also going to try this out while playing League Of Legends. I actually pretty good, sitting at Grandmaster in solo/duo ranked. I have tried playing league with a 500 mg dose and it actually works, so why not try 2 grams and see if it makes any difference.

12:00 AM
Took the 2 Grams og phenibut and proceeded to watch Shutter Island (The one with Dicaprio).

I can feel my heart more and I feel more sedated and relaxed than normally. This is probably tto Plazebo or nicotine, not really sure.

Decided to play a game of League of Legends while listening to Tyler The Creator. Songs like "BEST INTEREST", "See you again" "RUNNING OUT OF TIME". All the good ones. Still dont feel much different but the music and setting with me alone in the apartment made me comfortable. I didn't have the normal anxiety problems and the uncofortableness I usually feel like I have, already 40 minutes into the 2 grams.

We won, I sucked. I dont know why I sucked so hard haha. I got a bit sad tho to see the enemy team get so angry at this one guy for not playing well. I'm just happy my team respected me even tho I was playing really bad too. My head feels really warm tho and I feel really relaxed and happy in some weird way. I actually like this feeling, and I think it's some kind of come up. Can't smiling and I'm doing everything in a more slow motion kind of way. Maybe thats why I was so bad at the game? All I'm sure off is that my reactions felt slower.
All I'm sure off is that my reactions felt slower.
I didn't have the same overview and awareness as I usually feel like I have.

Let's play another one! Keep the streak goin!!! I can feel myself breathing slowly and it makes me confortable. It's the same feeling as if I was on benzos. Guess that's why they group them all up as "Depressants". There's something about this feeling, sitting in my chair, focussing on my breath, and acknowledging how slowly I breathe.

Another win, this time I did fairly better. I had to hit a lot of abilities and missed a lot of them, probably because of the phenibut, but it's fine. Actually it didn't matter at all because the sensation I'm having while playing and at this moment it makes me happy. I didn't really care about my faults like I usually do, like viewing the demos of the match and check up on what I did wrong. Right now, I just feel "good" in terms of relaxation and sedation. Even though I have been dealing with depressants many times before, a dosage like this reminds me of when I took benzos, and its nice. Doses over 1 gram should in my opinion be used if I have the time and I'm not supposed to socialise with other people. I don't think this would have made me more able to socialise and talk to people like I would on a dose like 500 mg, so imma set it up like this. Less than 1 Gram = Mild high like coffeine and my able to interact and talk to people easier if I for example have anxiety, and it can make your more productive and wakefull. More than 1 Gram = More of a sedating and relaxing high, comparing it to benzos, it feels like I'm more sleepy and lethargy.

Playing another one. Even though I notice that I'm not playing as well as I would sober nor on a 500 mg dosis, I am motivated to keep on going. I really like my teammates too, I feel like they're carrying me, and they don't mind it at all! :-D Listening to songs right now I'm in the mood for a deeper and relaxed genre that makes me happy.

What an absolute banger of a win!!! Had a great connection with my support and even though my teammates lost their lanes in the start, I kept calm, happy and motivated. I woulden't play on a high dose again, rather a small dose or sober, but this is also really fun.

Rest of the day I was together with my girlfriend and we went out to eat at a restaurant and watched a movie. All in all, it was a great experience, and I did not regret trying out a higher dose while playing league of legends. I would rather have played the game at a 500 mg dose, but if I was going to watch movies or play casual games, a 2 gram dose is really fun!!! Fun in a way that the sedation and relaxation makes me happy, and it doesen't really help with concentration, but after all I was motivated to keep going and it really payed out. I would 100% try a high dose again, if not a higher dose next time, just to feel the depressant's sedation feeling. The effect lasted the whole day, but it didn't ruin anything and my girlfriend was just about fine with it. I would give it a solid 7/10, just because of the setting. This is because I was playing league, and the phenibut didn't really help me get more concentrated and many times, my overview and reaction time was really bad, compared to soberness or low dose.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114045
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 5, 2020Views: 1,188
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Alone (16)

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