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Sedated Dissociation and Lovely Afterglow
Citation:   Czech Lab Rat. "Sedated Dissociation and Lovely Afterglow: An Experience with 3-HO-PCP (exp114769)". Erowid.org. Sep 29, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114769

4 mg oral 3-HO-PCP (capsule)
Little background with me and dissociatives: The only dissociative I've tried before was Ketamine and I found it pretty boring
The only dissociative I've tried before was Ketamine and I found it pretty boring
, I always ended up walking funny because I felt so heavy, but I didnt like anything from it, really. Even music sounded weird to me.

Well theres my little experiment with 3-HO-PCP. I was watching "La casa de papel" and got an idea to try to watch it while on 3-HO-PCP, which I've acquired that day. I thought maybe I'll enjoy it more. So I started preparing my vial + dose: I weighed out 50mg of 3-HO-PCP and put it in vial with 10ml of Vodka, making it 5mg/ml. Then put the vial in warm bath and I would shake it every 10 minutes. After 1 hour I couldn't see any particles so I filled two capsules with 0.4ml each. So that is 0.8ml total which is 4mg of 3-HO-PCP.

T+0:00 - I eat both of the capsules, so thats 4mg of 3-HO-PCP and the waiting game begins! :)

T+1:10 - I was laying down watching movie and I noticed my face and roof of my mouth is starting to feel numb, just like I remember from ketamine. I'm not fan of that feeling to be honest.

T+1:30 - I start to feel cold, which I didnt expect, because a lot of people reported feeling of warmth, so I went for another pair of socks and thats where I noticed the heavy legs feeling and feeling like I'm watching from above me when I started walking that I remember from ketamine, then I go back to my bed.

T+2:00 - I'm watching the movie and I dont really feel different about it, everything just sounded different while I was occasionaly thinking how weird my face and mouth feels, yeah weird taste.., lol.

T+2:30 - I watched the movie up until this point, where I noticed I felt completely sober, but then I noticed I've had urge to do SOMETHING. I started talking to my friends on discord and spew dozens of idea what should I do. So in the end I decided to go to McDonalds. Problem is I would need to go by a Train and the Train for the way back would be the last one and I didn't really know if I would make it in time, but I was somehow very confident that I can do it, I felt good about myself, thats probably when the I would say slightly hypomanic afterglow started.

T+2:50 - I arrive to the train station and the train was already there so I got in and there were a lot of kids my age going to some party or whatever, normally I'm really uncomfortable around group of kids my age, but this time I wasn't. I felt calm.

T+3:03 - I arrive at the destination and head to McDonalds, I order using the order machine or whatever it is called and at that time I've had 25 minutes to go back to the train station to catch my train back. Well for some reason it took them 15 minutes to get my two McChicken ready.

T+3:18 - Train is coming in 10 minutes and the time from McDonalds to the station is like 10 minutes with slightly faster pace. But for some reason I was so confident I would be there in time I started eating my food which led to me to have to run to the station. Well I catch the train last minute so thats good. I've had urge to talk to someone all the time in the train, but I kept myself back, it was people going home from job, didn't want them to listen to my rants. :D

T+3:31 - I arrive back to my home town, head back to home and meet my little brother and I started playing with him, I felt joy because he was laughing all the time and I was lot more talkative than I normally am (I'm normally really quiet).
I was lot more talkative than I normally am (I'm normally really quiet).

T+4:00 - Well it's time to go sleep, I fell asleep without any problems.

Next day: I'm still more talkative than normal and feeling little euphoric but its very slowly fading away.

Conclusion: I don't like the first hour of dissociation, but that can be countered by watching a movie. But I love the hypomanic afterglow which comes right afterwards and can last even to the next day. For me it is ketamine with hypomanic afterglow.

I'm making sure to space it out, to prevent tolerance skewing the results.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114769
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 29, 2020Views: 3,110
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3-HO-PCP (838) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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