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Small Doses Work Great
Citation:   Aboreum. "Small Doses Work Great: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp114955)". Nov 26, 2020.

12.5 - 25 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (pill / tablet)
I had to go to inpatient mental. Back in August... Manic episodes, too many mental and emotional breakdowns and depression turning into suicidal thoughts. I have been diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, PTSD, dissociative disorder, anxiety and depression. My mother has Schizophrenia Catatonia so I do worry about having some schizoid issues from it being in the family..but so far I was able to recognize the issues (schizotypal personality disorder most likely) in a roommate whose mother is also a schizophrenic. The fact I can recognize it at all and that I am often overly conscientious of others kinda makes me worry less about it. I figure being raised that way had an effect on me and I do not embody all the symptoms, just the symptoms that better match my given diagnosis. I also figure that it really doesn't matter what I am diagnosed with, so long as I am aware of what is going on with me and try to do my best to work on the ill effects of a neurodivergent and aneurotypical mind.

I work hard to be aware of these issues and I, after learning about my roomies obvious undiagnosed mental illness, have realized it triggers me (cuz home was no party dad was an abusive psycho undiagnosed, probably APD or narcissistic or some other crazy evil bullshit, and well, mum was a schizo being taken advantage of and unaware of normality or how selfish and bad at understanding either of them were) and that other roommates have as well as caused a general disharmony in my life by being selfish assholes who take advantage of people.

I have realized that if I am not careful, I could be able to slip into what some call schizofreniform. Which is short term psychosis...that can end up turning into an actual schizoid spectrum disorder. So I need to get out, which I am planning to do ...moving soon... Never underestimate how the people around you and the environment you are in affect your life, mood, and mental health!

So, anyway, they helped a bunch at the center and gave me a low dose of seroquel to take as needed. It has helped so much ... I am between the two doses now even though the I am out...12.5-25 mg My friend had some higher dose versions and I just cut them up and take them at night...trying to take them less now.

I also use cannabis sometimes and it intensifies the drug.
I also use cannabis sometimes and it intensifies the drug.
Especially when I started to take doses 25 mg or larger. Slurred speech and hard to move, these pills put your dick in the dirt with cannabis until you get used to your dose.

I think it unwise to keep taking this pill long term or I wanna ween off the nightly doses. This is the best antipsychotic I've ever taken. I took low doses of abilify when I was younger and it gave me a tremor in my dominant hand I have mostly grown accustomed to and can control with self medicating, meditation, and not putting up with bullshit...stress makes it worse. My grandma was diagnosed with Parkinson's so I would like to avoid that especially in my artistic and culinary life.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114955
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Nov 26, 2020Views: 904
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3)

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