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The Mother of Unconditional Love
Citation:   Fantastic Mr.T. "The Mother of Unconditional Love: An Experience with Changa (exp115632)". Jul 25, 2021.

3 hits smoked Changa
So, this experience I had was in November of last year. I was at a mini psytrance festival was the last day out of the 3.

I was chilling at my tent with the people I was camping with, and my friend Brayden came running to me with a dose of liquid DMT in a vape pen he technically stuck it in my mouth while I was sitting in my camping chair. Anyways the pen didn’t work ... so he asked me to follow him to his other friends’ tent where he stacked me a dose of Changa in a glass pipe. I don’t know why the pen didn’t work really I think the coil was burnt or most probably it could’ve been the battery, because it didn’t make any smoke to start with. (The vape pens for the DMT liquid are not that common, my friend use to work for a big supplier so he had access to all this stuff that u aren't really able to get at any local dealer.)

I’ve smoked DMT once before but didn’t have the full experience because of the fact that I didn’t take that last hit as you should.

The changa was the caapi leaf, it looked exactly like tobacco but just black. It lasted about 10-15minutes. I cant really remember exactly how long it was but I was definitely on another plane of consciousness for at least 8-10 mins.

I held the pipe and he told me to smoke the whole dose in 3 pulls no matter what. I took the first pull, I blew out and didn’t feel anything at first. After the second pull my whole body just numbed. I wasn’t able to hold the pipe and I remember the last sight I had was the fact that the pipe morphed into this giant crystal in my hand …by that moment I knew shit was going down.
I can’t exactly remember that I took my last pull, but I found out that apparently, I did…

I laid on my back and took a deep breath …and let the experience guide me. I saw thousands of geometric patterns, I saw this weird ancient language creeping from the left side of my vision in bright red while all these mandalas and patterns filled with love surrounded me and all the colours made feel an emotion of being loved unconditionally. I didn’t know what the language meant all I knew is that I was amazed out of my mind by what I was seeing, it was something so surreal (the random language that appeared faded as far as I remember it was just for a few seconds, but I’ve never seen it in my life that’s for sure!) … I felt constant female presence and this woman, or female energy that I felt made me feel that I’ve been here before I felt very overwhelmed by the experience because of the fact that I’m being welcomed in such a friendly manner.

I didn’t break thru though, I could still physically feel my surroundings in a way while coming out of it I just saw a bunch of random patterns and colours. While in my trip I felt very comfortable with my surroundings, because I was in a tent with my best friend who I have been thru allot of experiences with. I remember I held him laying in his arms crying and laughing because of the beautiful patterns and energy that I was feeling and seeing, while lying in my friends’ arms, I could feel his positive energy, I could feel his joy by seeing how I was enjoying the experience and it felt like my arms and whole body was like roots growing into his body…I know it sounds weird, but it is actually how the experience was. Also couldn’t really see my friend's face it also just looked like moving patterns and and energy flowing around almost like a peak on a strong acid tab with heavy visuals, and tears running down my eyes because of the love I felt and beauty I saw although I cant 100% comprehend what I saw ...

It’s eight months later and I’ve done DMT twice since, I decided to write this specific experience because this is the one that I remember the most of, since you don’t really remember much after a trip … surrender, observe, learn.


Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 25, 2021Views: 958
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Changa (816) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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