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My Boyfriend Met My Soul (Fed Her a Cookie)
1P-LSD & Clomipramine
Citation:   00kiwi. "My Boyfriend Met My Soul (Fed Her a Cookie): An Experience with 1P-LSD & Clomipramine (exp115991)". Jan 9, 2022.

100 ug oral 1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
      Clomipramine (daily)
My bf and I took 1 tab each and I experienced a spiritual phenomenon, and also something similar to multiple personality disorder. Btw while on my acid trip, I had a hard time dissecting and comprehending my experience out loud in a way that was articulate, so it was helpful to reflect (because my entire self was kinda dormant) and talk to my bf about it afterwards.

At my peak, my soul obtained an identity/my brain personified my soul and got to experience life through the physical brain structure and vessel of me. It was an extraordinary experience!! This atomic energy that my soul was turned into me, except that the me that makes me who I am was partially dormant (in a coma/dream-like state). Because my soul embodied my brain chemistry, she saw through my eyes and had all my memories as if she had lived my life. But, she was still distant because it wasn’t her. To explain it better, it’s like an A+ level alien who’s never felt physical pain before but has studied all about it down to the chemistry (more so than some ppl know about pain) and has taken exams on it. Everything was familiar yet so excitingly virgin.

My soul was overflowing with pure curiosity, but with such tenderness and acknowledgement that she was a guest in my mind temple. She knew how I’ve been tryna restrict sugar from my diet, but she saw a cookie and wanted it so bad. She talked to my bf abt knowing the taste & textures & dopamine response she remembered, but wanted to try it for herself. She was so considerate of me but her desire was so strong she was like a little puppy and whimpered.

My bf said she was like the pleading eye emoji🥺🥺 hahaha. After gently inhibiting her, he just let her taste it. My boyfriend literally fed my soul a cookie🍪😆!! Then my soul got to experience lust for the first time and shared a lil kiss with my boyfriend which turned into an exchange of saliva LOL. Even tho I was dormant, I fully remember the experience from a distance. She felt like a young teen experiencing an attraction to guys for the first time ever. It tickled her excitement in a very non erotic wholesome way.

My boyfriend also asked her about herself and she told him how she was in me this whole time just watching/experiencing at a distance but without any judgment from the day I was born🤯 I thought was kinda interesting to know and I’m so glad he made her feel welcome💗.

I won’t get into further detail about my whole trip my I experienced something similar to having multiple personalities as well. I’d say that experiencing the multiple personalities wasn’t a full blown episode of loss of self, but a profound expression of fragments of myself that got to be individualized.

One of my “personalities” embodied my insecurity of my self worth and “who am I?” She felt so much insecurity and self ridicule, it was such a psychologically manipulating experience that she convinced herself she was too dumb to comprehend what was happening. As if every thought radiated shards to her ego. Insane!!! Acid is such a beautiful chemical and has the opportunity for great introspection.

If you stuck around for this long, you deserve a cookie🍪 for being so curious about other's acid trips!! Happy, safe tripping my loves!💝💕✨

(sidenote: was taking prescribed Clomipramine for a couple months by the time of the trip)

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115991
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 9, 2022Views: 590
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1P-LSD (682) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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