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Error 404: Positive Vibes Not Found
Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   M.C. K. "Error 404: Positive Vibes Not Found: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp116275)". May 25, 2022.

1 capsl oral Ginger (ground / crushed)
  3 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
  2 hits vaporized Cannabis  
    oral Alcohol  
    vaporized Cannabis  
  10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Previous Experiences:
Throughout my life, I've used a number of different substances, including caffeine, alcohol, nitrous, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, LSD, MDMA, amphetamine, ketamine, mescaline, kratom, kanna, LSA, Salvia Divinorum, ayahuasca, dihydrocodeine and DXM. I always did my research before trying any substance and made sure not to overdo it. I might have made a habit out of certain natural drugs, most notably cannabis (which I currently use twice per week) and caffeine (which I use almost daily, but in low amounts), but I've never had a full blown addiction.

My Affinity towards Psychedelics:
When I started researching drugs, psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD drew my attention because of their low addiction liability and the fact that they do virtually no damage to the human body. I also find it fascinating how those hallucinogenic drugs can open the door to ones subconscious. I have used LSD five to ten times in my life and never had a bad trip, which I mainly attribute to luck. Due to the fact that magic mushroom grow kits can be legally bought in my country, I've had more than a hundred psilocybin experiences in the last six years, most of which were positive, but also with a few bad trips in between. I used to become nauseous when I was under the influence of psychedelics, but that problem slowly faded away when I started taking the mushrooms as a tea.

It was Friday and I was already done with work. My girlfriend wasn't here, but I'd see her again the next day, so I had this day for myself. I was also in a good mood because I was at the dentist the day before and he claimed that I had the best and healthiest teeth of the last 150 patients he had (dental floss is worth it). Set and setting were good, nothing could go wrong, right?

I took a capsule of ginger powder to make sure I'd experience to nausea whatsoever and prepared a tea with 3.00g Psilocybe Cubensis "Golden Teacher". I filled my vaporizer with cannabis, drank the tea, turned the vaporizer on, took two quick puffs and turned it off again to save the rest for later. I was coming up rather quickly, but something was off this time. My belly (not my stomach) was vibrating violently, which has never happened before and made me feel quite anxious about the upcoming experience. I told myself that this was temporary and went to another room in order to change scenery and turn the experience around, but it barely helped. I was then standing on the balcony to get some fresh air. The visuals I had when I was staring at some trees were stunning and the only good thing about this whole experience. After a few minutes the weird feeling in my belly was subsiding and I told myself that the bad part was now over to make myself feel better and got inside the house again.

Immediately my brain was bombarding me with images of war, famine and death. I remember thinking that I didn't want to worry about this right then and enjoy the experience instead. I usually avoid looking at screens during psychedelic experiences in order not to waste those, but I wanted to be happy, so I looked up wholesome memes on Reddit, which didn't help at all. It was like the mushrooms were telling me: "Look around you! There's war in Ukraine and innocent people are dying. Humans are destroying the world and global warming causes progressively worse effects on the environment. The whole world is going to shit and it wouldn't be appropriate for you to be happy and enjoy this trip."

A few minutes later the mushrooms were making me question my relationship to my girlfriend and I had the delusion that she was cheating on me. I was thinking about how she told me that it's good that I'm making my own decisions (hinting at the fact that I'm heavily invested in a certain company which she wouldn't do) and my psyched up mind was twisting this around to make me think that she has another boyfriend. My train of though was: She's saying that I'm making my own decisions because she's making her own decisions by seeing someone else behind my back and she was feeling guilty about it so she was low key hinting at this.

I usually avoid drinking alcohol when I'm tripping, but I wanted to weaken the mental effects of the mushrooms
I wanted to weaken the mental effects of the mushrooms
with some sedative, so I took a sip of vodka. My father then came home and I was talking to him about my feelings about my girlfriend. He said that I'm delusional again (it happened before) and that those mushrooms were probably not as harmless as I made them out to be, to which I agreed. We then drank a beer together and my father comforted me by telling me that I'm a handsome young man and that my girlfriend can be happy to have me and even if our relationship was over, I'd get over it with time and find a new girlfriend with whom I'd be happy. He also mentioned that he can tell by the way my girlfriend treats me that she's very much in love with me.

When I went back to my room, I turned on my vaporizer again and used what was left in its herb chamber. I still had some lingering doubt about my relationship with my girlfriend and I was telling myself that I'm an independent person and that I could also be happy without her (but I'm glad to have her). I then watched a few episodes of "The Office" on Netflix and ate nuts and other snacks. Some time later I took a 10mg zolpidem tablet to help me fall asleep (I very rarely take those).

The Next Day:
I woke up quite late, ate two croissants with butter for breakfast and helped my father in the garden getting rid of weeds. I still had lingering doubts about my relationship with my girlfriend. For lunch I made broccoli cream soup, then I took a nap in the afternoon because I was exhausted (I usually never take a nap in the afternoon). Later my girlfriend visited me and I told her about my experience. It turned out that she meant the fact that I'm making my own decisions in an absolutely positive way because I tend to agree with her about almost everything (our opinions are really often alike, I don't just say what she wants to hear) and that she's glad that I'm also thinking for myself. We were then cuddling and my negative feelings faded away.

I've had plenty of positive experiences with psychedelics and I am no stranger to the well known "psychedelic afterglow" and its pleasant effects on mental health, however, experiences like the one I just had make me realize that mushrooms and other hallucinogens are in fact not harmless due to their tendency to cause delusions and sometimes psychosis in some people.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116275
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 25, 2022Views: 644
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Relationships (44), General (1), Alone (16)

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