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Upbeat Delirium
MXiPr, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   MetocinaoMeravigliao. "Upbeat Delirium: An Experience with MXiPr, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp116584)". Oct 2, 2022.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
  40 mg insufflated MXiPr (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
Here's the report on my latest bad experience mixing alcohol with MXiPr which occurred last night, it's not the first time I have a shitty trip with this one so I decided to write a report to warn users to practice extreme caution if they decide to experiment with MXiPr or worse mixing it with alcohol.

Yesterday night I went to a sushi restaurant w some friends and downed 4-5 glasses of wine, was pretty tips atm, got back to our city and drank one gin tonic at the bar the went to a friend home. We went to one friend house and I decided to rail 40 mgs of MXiPr, it's a strong dose but my tolerance is pretty high atm so I thought I could handle it with no problems even if was drunky.

While waiting for the come up my friend lighted a joint, I don't smoke weed usually as I get fucking paranoid, I only smoke if I drink or take other drugs as they take anxiety away so I decided to take a few hits while waiting, a few puffs got me immediately really high.

In a few minutes I basically started loosing my grip on reality and getting pretty dizzy. Decided to head home and a this point I have no recollection of what happened, I pretty much telephoned to my sofa with no shirt and with my cats chasing each other on my wasted body. Was still really incoherent, horrible tachycardia, cold sweats and dizzy, terrible time.

I had no recollection of my walk to home, but some really incoherent/abstract idea/memories of the walk which obviously couldnt have happened.

A sense of terror and paranoia was present during the whole experience.
A sense of terror and paranoia was present during the whole experience.

In my experience MXiPr is the only dissociative I haven't been able to control, it's so manic and fucked up with a sense of impending doom and paranoia at higher doses that it's impossible to have a bad experience for me, it also has a weird serotonergic body load which makes it feel even more alien and fucked up, it pretty much feels like a feverish delirium, it's not even psychedelic it's straight manic and confusing.

Today I'm feeling tired but pretty good overall, I'm glad I didn't seriously injure myself as alcohol and dissociatives (especially strong doses like this) is really dangerous, and the reports about seizures and rabdomyolisis for MXiPr just makes it even worse. I know I have been really stupid doing this but alcohol just makes fully retarded underestimating dangers.

(These considerations are based on this experience and previous ones involving alcohol too)

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116584
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 2, 2022Views: 482
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MXiPr (923), Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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