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There Is a Big Difference in Just a Few Milligrams
Citation:   Uncle Jack. "There Is a Big Difference in Just a Few Milligrams: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp116600)". Sep 29, 2022.

7 - 9 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (liquid)
This report includes several experiences.

+ Subject: Male. 72 kg. Almost 40. Have some experience with other psychedelics but not a heavy user.
+ Mindset and setting: Relaxed, on vacation or with some free days. Always indoors but with access to a terrace. Accompanied by a friend/lover/couple that also has some experience with psychedelics. Tried not to eat much some hours before.
+ Dosage: 7, 8 and 9 mg.

+ Subjective experience:

- Negative body sensations: Almost none. No nausea, no gas, no weird bowel movements etc. But I haven't felt significant negative body sensations from any other substance besides peyote and morning glory seeds.

- Positive body sensations: Legs and arms felt very light. Touch is super enhanced. Touch and being touched is what I enjoy the most with this substance. Sex is amazing, I get lost in every sensation. Orgasm is very strong, “la petite mort” has a new meaning after this. No erection problems. Probably aphrodisiac and sexy but it could be just an effect of touch enhancement. I call moxy “horny mushrooms” because of this, name is self explanatory but I'm a very sexual person.

- Visuals: Varies with dose and there is a big difference between 7 and 9 mg. Most relevant is what I call “aging effect”. Some things like cracks, rust, some stains gets bigger and looks like I am looking at an aging process. For me this could feel a bit dark, change how I perceive the atmosphere and surroundings, but nothing bad at least at this dose. Color looks brighter and things looks more beautiful (clouds, sunset, the city, trees, etc). There is some geometric patterns, stuff that already has patters shift and morphs. People looks more beautiful. My partner looks like a mix of an anime and a redhead woman from a Klimt painting.

- Music: Its nice. I can get lost in it if it is trippy but not really a relevant effect.

- Headspace: Emotions can be deepen, both positive and negative so I'm careful with the setting. Did not feel much of the empathogen effect that is normally described.
Emotions can be deepen, both positive and negative so I'm careful with the setting. Did not feel much of the empathogen effect that is normally described.
Prone to laughter. Can see the potential of going through thought loops. A bit philosophical. I could maintain a conversation easily except when peaking.

+ After effects: The next day of my first felt miserable. Some negative thoughts, feelings of guilt, pessimistic thoughts about the future, sad in general. Felt like that for one day. Other times I was mostly tired.

+ Other things to consider:
- Being careful with dosage. There is a big difference in just a few milligrams. An affordable nice scale could have a +/- 4 miligram margin error. That means that if you try to measure 8 mg, you could be getting 4 and feel almost nothing or 12 and have a very intense and unexpected trip. So learn how to do volumetric dosing and do it.
- I try to not eat much the prior hours and eat something light that is easy to digest. It's probable that I get hungry so I also take something light when I do.
- If I'm having sex with this, I think its way better if it is someone I trust and know well. I could find myself in a vulnerable and uncomfortable position (mentally and emotionally) so if that happens, better if it is with someone I feel safe with.
- Being careful with mindset and setting, as I think this has the potential to take you to dark places.
- I did not mix it with other substances (even weed or alcohol) the first times I took this
- This could be good for art appreciation.
- Better taking this with few people that I know well, don't see this working well in a very crowded place like a concert.
- Starting with normal or lower doses to test the waters

Be safe

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116600
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 29, 2022Views: 638
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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