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An Awakening
LSD & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by DT
Citation:   DT. "An Awakening: An Experience with LSD & Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp116735)". Oct 27, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (edible / food)
  T+ 9:00   smoked Cannabis  
Evening after dinner
Dosed 1 (125UG) tab of LSD
30 minutes later ate 1.2 grams of golden teachers

Soul bomb. I had this planned for a while now.
I had this planned for a while now.
The perfect opportunity arose over the weekend. I obtained a tab and had around an 8th of mushrooms. I had done my prior research and decided on 1 tab and 2.25 Gs of mushrooms. (For a grand total of about 4 grams per what I had read and converted.) It was also suggested to stagger the tab and shrooms so that the peaks come together. Let me preface. I've done lucy a grand total of 2 times in my life. Mushrooms 4-5. This was uncharted territory for me.

I take the tab and pre-heat the oven with a pizza slice to throw the mushrooms on. 20 minutes pass - still not feeling anything. At this point I seriously consider taking another tab. But remembering how horrible my previous lucy trips had gone I let the thought pass. At +30 minutes I can feel the come up and swallow the tab. My desire to eat is diminishing so I quickly break up the shrooms and pull the pizza out of the oven. I get a few bites and swallows in. On my last bite...Projectile vomit into the sink. So out of my 2.25 I would say I kept about 1.2 down. Fully accepting what just happened I laughed, washed the sink out, and went to the couch.

A good friend had recommended Disney's Soul. Grabbed it and threw it on the TV. I could feel the shrooms and lucy together now as my vision started to change with trailing lights and affects. The movie was perfect and enhanced it in every way.

+1 hour 30mins - I was still steadily climbing toward my peak and started to sweat profusely. The movie had ended and I had forgotten to queue up something else. Normally my mind would freak out at this point but I found the weirdest sense of calm. It’s like the lucy and shrooms were fighting for control but I still had a say in what went on. The room felt uncomfortable so I left and sat in my room at my computer desk. Sitting in silence with the windows open and lights off, I put my feet up on the desk and started tripping even harder. I’ve always joked that my rental home is haunted. Well, I had a full-on conversation with the spirit sitting in the corner. I was not mean, but firm, and stood my ground. I simply asked why they were here and what their intentions were. It simply replied that this was its home before it was ours and it wished to stay and be left alone. I requested the same and it left.

+2-? Hours - I felt another Presence near me and it asked directly what I wanted. My vision completely changed over as I turned my head to see what or who had said that. I saw geometric patterns shaping into something similar to the Tool’s talking heads album cover. I told it I wanted to learn everything. Yet everything around me blinked out of existence. I watched myself be completely erased to ashes. But at the same time I wasn’t upset and didn’t freak out. I watched the ashes fold back in on themselves. The mass continually expanded and connected to every living thing. From there it went on to encompass my room, the entire complex, the state, the earth, the solar system, and then the universe. The message came through. We are all one. Everything is One and will return to One. You are not alone because we are all the same. The smile that came across my face is something I will cherish for the rest of my life. The voice came again, “do you accept?” “I do”, I replied.

The next thing I remember is feeling a light reaching from my pelvis to the top of my head. The feeling was pure bliss. I can only equate it to what a full body orgasm must feel like. Being a male, I did not think this was possible but it felt like it was from a woman’s perspective. I remained in this state for what felt like an eternity but it was the greatest feeling, warmth, and love I've ever felt. My body convulsed and the waves of euphoria from my pelvis got stronger and stronger building to an unbelievable release. I was shot through a kaleidoscope of lights and visited many different regions and time periods. I learned languages and cultures. It felt like I had lived multiple lives. Then just as quickly as it had started I was back at my desk.

+8 hours - I remained seated for quite some time and tried to comprehend what I had just experienced.

+9 hours - As the shrooms started to wear off I took a few hits from my bowl and laid down. Falling asleep with a smile on my face and a gratefulness for being shown exactly what I needed to be shown.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116735
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 27, 2022Views: 581
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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