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Heroin Euphoria in a Dream
Dreaming & Alcohol (Wine)
Citation:   SemiLucid. "Heroin Euphoria in a Dream: An Experience with Dreaming & Alcohol (Wine) (exp116789)". Nov 29, 2022.

1.5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
Before the dream I was feeling rather down. I was and am still depressed. I was sharing a dingy hotel room. I was not at my best. I had been attempting lucid dreaming for a while before, using reality checks. Before this, I had had 1.5 glasses of wine. I almost never drink alcohol. I had also been growing a fascination for heroin, controlled use, and its effects.

I only remember the moment I had the needle in my hand, and the 10 seconds after that. This included shooting it up.

Once I had the comically large needle in my hand, I injected it. At this point, I was semi lucid, but was not controlling the dream. As soon as I injected it, an extremely pleasant and powerful euphoria overcame me. It was like a full body orgasm. I have no previous experience with heroin, so I assume that this was from my subconscious thinking that these would be the effects.

I then woke up and felt the euphoria for about 5 more seconds before it wore off.

Overall, it was very pleasurable, and I will attempt to replicate the dream, and stabilise it to feel it for longer.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116789
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2022Views: 245
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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