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The Night I Almost Died
Citation:   Malcolm. "The Night I Almost Died: An Experience with Ketamine (exp12955)". Jul 19, 2002.

100 mg oral Ketamine
MY first and only experience with ketamine.
My drug history: x, coke, meth and weed...i have done alo of coke and x.

It was Tuesday the 26th of Febuary 2002. One of my friends that works at a vet clinic brought me some Ketamine to try, i was going to wait until the weekend to do it, but him (S) and my other friend (JD) told me to try it then, so i empited the vile of ketamine onto a spoon, and swallowed it. After swallowing the second spoonfull i thought i was going to throw up because of the awful taste. After washing out the awful taste i sat down on my bed and waited..It onlky took about 10-15 minutes to totally kick in..I remember feeling like i was drunk or something at the very beginning, then i remember my vision getting all distorted...and thats when i stopped remembering what happened..It wasnt until the next day that i remember a little of what happened..I remember laying on my bed, and then floating around my room and spinning alot (later that day i found out that i didnt move) and then i remember being outside trying to grab my friend S's shoe, and thats all remember..And now to what my friends told me..Well the next day they both came over and they were describing what they saw..To begin with they said that i didnt move at all, i stopped breathing quite a few times, my eyes swelled up and went a funny colour, i threw up everywhere..The literally had to carry me outside so i could get out of the house cause i was being to loud, they had to blink for me, and help me breathe, they had to clean up my throw up..They said it was like looking after a baby because my nose was running, i was drooling and my eyes were running all at the same time, but i didnt know what was happening, it was as though my brain switched off..It still feels like a big dream to me..

I have never expercined anything like that before, and i hope i never have to experience anything like that.

If my friends hadnt have been there, i probably would have died that night.

That was probably the scariest thing i have ever experienced.

If you really want to try ketamine, i would advise that you start off with a very small dose, just to see if you like or not, and then work up to a bigger dose.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12955
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2002Views: 9,087
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Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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