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Fast Acting and Short Lived
Citation:   Wax Horse. "Fast Acting and Short Lived: An Experience with MIPT (exp16050)". Jul 15, 2002.

38 mg oral MIPT
Okay, so I've got this Mipt in my freezer, right? And I haven't eaten for the last 12 hours or so.

11:40am. I weigh out 38 mg, (I've experiemented with this substance before at much lower dosages.) mix it with a little poweraid and down the hatch!!

12:10 Am definately feeling something. Light seems a little brighter, everything seems a little 'Swimmy'. No problem with handwriting. I jump into the shower.

12:30 Am out of the shower. I'm at a Plus One. My tummy doesn't feel too bad, and I'm starving, so I eat lunch.

Finsh lunch at about 12:45 pm. Read my fortune cookie. 'You are a practical person with your feet on the ground.'

Damn!! That's not what I wanted to hear!

At 1:30 pm, I am pretty much out of it. Never got more than about a plus one. I have to say that it WAS a plus one tho'. I'm pretty familiar with placebo, and I think I can say there certainly was some activity.

Mipt seems to be a pretty fast acting and short lived experience. No visuals. There did seems to be a little mood elevation and a touch of paranoia. It's a hard space to figure out. It does seem to be a little thoughtful.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2002Views: 23,441
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MIPT (251) : General (1), Alone (16)

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