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A Vacillation from Seclusion to Normality
Citation:   Kool-Aid. "A Vacillation from Seclusion to Normality: An Experience with AMT (exp16168)". Jul 21, 2002.

25 mg oral AMT
This was my first experience with any psychoactive substance. Being blessed with stubborn, innate characteristics I feel that AMT's will not be able to effect me. Around 4 PM, my two friends and I decide to orally ingest 25 mg of AMT. We wait around for about 2 hours, hanging around my friends house listening to music and watching tv. Shortly after, we go outside and smoke a blunt on his patio.

All of the sudden, BAMM!, im looking up at the sky watching the clouds coalesce into intricate and insanely convoltuted patterns. This was the first sign that I was truely tripping. Along with these visualizations, I was inundated with an 'MDMA-like feeling' which was characterized by a very powerful rush. I continue to feel the intense effects of this crazy, wild, and somehow drug. Around 8 pm, a few of our friends come over and I feel as if I can't trust any of them, and that their motives are sinister and malicious. I feel that they cannot relate to my two friends and I because they are not tripping. They are in fact 100% sober, and are just beginning their alcohol inebration for the night... (wow, big fucking deal compared to this highly potent, virulent, psychoactive chemical that is mind-fucking my brain.)

It is analagous to a computer hacking another, only the drug is hacking your brain. The social disturbance gets so negatively prevalent that I must 'get away.' I decide to venture out across the street to chill out and tell myself that it is, 'just the drug' and that I am in fact normal, and in control. I guess this has a lot to do with the fact that it is hard to remain still, in a claustrophobic, confined environment when you are on these drugs. After this, I go back to my friends and chill on his couch outside. We continue to smoke blunts, where I find that I am sweating profusely. This scares the shit out of me because my teeth are chattering uncontrollably, and my skin is 'snake-like.' About a half an hour later, the trip gets better and for the rest of the night I enjoy it. I am not going to bore you with more details, but throughout the night the trip gets a lot more pleasant, and I start to see more visuals. The level of consciousness attained via this drug is mind-boggling. I still honestly feel that I cannot relate to people who have never induced any psychoactive substance.

My downsides to this drug include: inability to sleep, nausea, aversion to people who are not tripping. I recommend that people try this drug because you will realize a lot about yourself, but certainly be responsible and know your limits.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2002Views: 8,855
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AMT (7) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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