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Rewarding Experience
Citation:   bmantra. "Rewarding Experience: An Experience with DXM (exp19114)". Feb 16, 2003.

180 mg oral DXM (liquid)
I had read all about DXM, and it seemed to me that, at least at low doses, it would be harmless to try. My previous drug experience has been limited to marijuana. So, after extensively researching DXM, I thought I'd give it a try. It seemed like a very safe thing to do, when taking into account my knowledge of pharmaceutical products.

I was in a very good mood one day, and thought that it would be a good time to try dxm. I decdided that, because I had no experience other than with pot, I would take it easy the first time and shoot for a first plateau experience. I poured about 60 ml of Benylin DM (15 mg/5ml) into a glass and drank it. Surprisingly, I didn't puke, or gag, or experience any of the negative aspects of taking liquid form dxm that I'd heard of. I was a little weary about the whole thing, so I thought I'd play it safe the first time, and stick with 60 ml. This was about 4:30pm. About 15-20 minutes later, I could tell I was not feeling completely normal, I can't decribe it. But that was all that happened, until about 5:30. Around this time I began feeling a slight high.

Music seemed to be enhanced, closed-eye visualizations became vivid and colorful, and at this point I hadn't even realized I was high yet.

Then, around 5:45, I started thinking about it, and discovered that I was in fact, very stoned at this point. It was quite a wonderful feeling, hard to describe. I've smoked a lot of weed, and the later experiences with it were nowhere near as cool as the first few times I smoked it. But, this dxm high felt like the first time I got high from pot.

I sat around, listened to music, let pictures build in my head, etc. All in all, the experience was very similar to the first time smoked weed, but with some differences.

I'd say this was a little more intense, and there were added visual effects. Light seemed to radiate in long rays from lighted objects. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, the light seemed to dim, then brighten, then dim again, and so forth. As well, I experienced some slight distortions of the things around me, particularly in regard to color.

I was expecting dxm to be vastly different, but I suppose it wasn't because of the low dose I took.

Around 7:30, I decided to go outside for a walk. I thought I was pretty much down from the high, but when I saw people outside it sort of frightened me. As well, it was cold and windy outside, and this upset me to some degree. I decided to head back, and in doing so, found that my sense of direction was quite distorted. I did not really enjoy this experience outdoors, although it did not really upset me to any large extent; I simply wanted to go back to my house. When I got there, I was still slightly inebriated for a couple of hours, but didn't experience anything of great significance. I just waited, and eventually I came down completely and without any hangover or anything like that.

In the end, this was a positive experience for me. The only thing that was negative about it was that the cough syrup gave me an upset stomach, which started around 5:30, and subsided shorty thereafter. My stomach felt a little weird for a few hours afterward, but there wasn't much discomfort. The positives definitely outweighed the negatives. Marijuana had become quite boring for me, and I always knew what was going to happen once I smoked it. And, although the effects of dxm weren't a lot different for me, it was great to have that feeling again like the first time I got high.

I'm definietly going to try DXM again, and increase my dose to hopefully get into the second plateau. I didn't have a sober sitter, but I think that if I went into the third or fourth plateaus I would definitely want one.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19114
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2003Views: 35,620
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DXM (22) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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