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Enlightened Reasoning to Incoherent Mumbling
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   F n' H. "Enlightened Reasoning to Incoherent Mumbling: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp20981)". Nov 27, 2005.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
We would like to tell you about our best AMT trip so far. We'll call ourselves F and H.

It all started out one friday, after not recieving the 1g 5-meo-DIPT we'd ordered the week before. Feeling very let down and disappointed we realized we had to consume some kind of weird chemical. We chose AMT. As we had experianced AMT several times before, we felt very confident that we could handle 100mg's, an amount we'd never experienced before.

At T-0:00 100mg AMT, diluted in 1dl alcohol, was ingested. 40 minutes later we began to feel nauseous just like we always do on AMT. Time to take a trip to the bathroom. After getting rid of all that pesky stomach content we felt quite funky but it wasn't very unpleasant. Now another friend, we'll call him D, arrived. He ingested 75mg of AMT. We played some computer games for about 30 minutes before giving up on that hopeless endeavour (the mouse pointer started to get tracers moving ahead of it). Sitting still was just plain impossible.

2 hours (T-2:00) after ingestion the drug took full hold of our poor minds. At this point a friend called (let's call him A) and asked if we'd like come over for an illegal smoke or two. Not mentioning the AMT we eagerly accepted the invitation. At this point the trip was a bit chaotic, but still enjoyable, and the hallucinations were starting to appear. One of us went to the bathroom where the pattern on the wall started to jump around looking like badly drawn cartoon dogs.

We ordered a taxi (T-4:00). We felt safe about the cab ride 'cause D said that he could handle the payment and do all the talking. We jumped into the taxi and things were starting to get quite weird for us. All three of us have lived in **** for several years, but we could not recognize a single street, building or landmark during our ride through a good part of the city. And god knows what we said out loud for the driver to hear (this may not have been so bad but noone seem to rember very much). We were starting to feel we had a fair amount of control and felt a slight cosy MDMA feeling. We arrived at A's apartment high-spirited, gaining more and more control of ourselves. At A's apartment we met friend B. They didnt notice anything special about us at the beginning but soon they found out about the AMT, when we refused to smoke the cannabis.

T-5:00 We entered the deep philosophical phase of the AMT trip. This was unlike anything we had experienced before. Everything from Evolution to Nietzsche was gunned down by our stunning intellects. No memory impairment was evident and we felt incredible. We'd left the others for the kitchen where we spent at least 4-5h just talking and not a word of bullshit was uttered. At this point heavy hallucinations started to take form. People's faces started to look weird and sometimes they were unrecongnizable. One especially funny hallucination in the kitchen was when H's left ear transformed into an elf ear which started flapping like a flag of some sorts. Then the ear morphed into a little trumpet-like cone. Of course at this time almost every pattern on walls and curtains were moving wildly, but still we felt very focused and clear minded.

T-8:00 Time for our first smoke of cannabis. As experienced before we knew that this was the turning point. Once again D promised to handle the cab (he was going a bit further than us). From now on things would be a lot more complicated. We called a taxi which arrived 20 minutes later. We discussed before we got into the taxi not to talk about any drugs but we failed miserably. Once again we had no clue as to where the driver was taking us and all sorts of weird topics were brought up in the backseat (of course drugs were among the favourite topics). The cab dropped us off 15 minutes from H's apartment (don't ask us why we didn't get the driver to take us all the way). The walk home was the worst experience of the trip. Being very cold from the drug combined with the very low outdoor temperature (-15C) made us feel like popsicles.

T-9:00 We sat down in the livingroom just chit-chatting 'bout ordinary stuff, enjoying our trip, when H's roommate came home with his gf and a friend. They were quite drunk so we had no problem talking to them. Or rather, they had no problem talking to us. After a while we felt it was time to make some tea and smoke some more weed. It was time go get really fucked up.

T-11:00 - T-18... What? Huh? Whoa! These phrases were uttered more than once from now on. We were reaching a state where having a conversation was becomming impossible. The only thing we could do was to smoke. After a while F found it hard to sit up and had to lie down on a mattress. He began to drift in and out of a dream-like state. Every time H woke him up he wasn't sure if he was awake or still dreaming. H and D was molded into every dream F had, making it even harder to discern from reality. This continued for several hours thanks to H's fascination with F being so out of it. H kept waking him up saying 'now you're gone again'. This was the only resemblance of a topic we could muster. At 8:28 pm F ran out of steam and couldn't be brought back no matter how hard H tried. H then had to resort to talking to himself but no world issues were solved. In fact H can only remember speaking gibberish throughout the rest of the morning. When F woke up at 3 AM H didn't know if he'd slept or been awake the entire time.

Conclusion: AMT can be used in a social context, creating a deep philosophical state of mind and making us very talkative. On the other hand smoking cannabis on AMT turns the trip around 180 degrees. Complex converstions become impossible and completing the easiest of tasks seem about as probable as climbing K2.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20981
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2005Views: 8,247
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AMT (7) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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