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Lucid Dreams Invading Reality
Melatonin & Cannabis
Citation:   dojo-master. "Lucid Dreams Invading Reality: An Experience with Melatonin & Cannabis (exp22021)". Mar 11, 2003.

6 tablets oral Melatonin
  2 bowls smoked Cannabis
I was looking for a non-habit forming sleep aid to cure my horrific nightly insomia attacks, when I stumbled across it. The bottle said take 2-3pills so I took 5-6pills around 9:00. About an hour later I retired to my tokin room to kill a few bowls. After the first bowl, I was really stoned, and this was weird cause it usually takes me at least 2-3 bowls just to get high! I thought,'hey, another bowl couldn't hurt!' After taking several hits from the second bowl, I started seeing all of these crazy patterns, and colors were flowing and changing rapidly. It could be compared to a very mild shroom trip. The effects lasted until I passed out an hour later. The dreams I had that night were incredably lucid and revealing about my inner self.

A warning though: I found any combination of melotonin with opium (or related drugs) can cause severe lucid nightmares, I've tried it many times with the same horrifiyng results consistant.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 22021
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2003Views: 26,097
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Melatonin (94), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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