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Stay Away
by Paul
Citation:   Paul. "Stay Away: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp23111)". Apr 13, 2020.

12 - 24 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate
My Experience with dramamine started off on a very positive note. I lived in a small Colorado town, and finding hallucinagens was difficult at best. But I could buy these at the store! I was opened to the world of hallucinating. Very spiritual...

I soon found that dependency took over the fun. My mind became used to the drug very quickly and hallucinating was impossible. Maybe I'd hear a couple things once or twice, but typically I'd be dissapointed. So I started taking higher doses, and more often. I couldnt accept the fact that it wasnt working anymore.
I couldnt accept the fact that it wasnt working anymore.
I couldn't let go of the first experience I had with dramamine.

A year passed, and I finally gave up on the drug, but not without consequences. These days I'm severely depressed, a documented symptom of dramamine abuse. It is showing no signs of going away. I have no self confidence so I cannot socialize the way I used to. I have ZERO energy. I wish I could turn back time, but I cannot.

This drug is not worth it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 23111
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2020Views: 1,089
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Depression (15), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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