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The True Void
Citation:   Fischer. "The True Void: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp23487)". Mar 12, 2008.

15 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Well, after all those interesting experiences with the DMT, I finally hit the real climax of this stuff.

All that stuff before...that was...simply the beginning.

This weekend was vacation time, and my friends and I brought the MeO. I've wanted to get the full effects for a long time, and I kept thinking maybe that was it after a hit, but each time I had taken a little more, something else happened... (This is because of the observed variance of reaction in humans with smaller doses between 1 and 5 milligrams)

This time, I put a large enough dose in the lightbulb and held the flame over it for a minute or two, letting all of it truly vaporize...

...and I hit it. The harsh smoke went into me and my friends looked amazed at how fast my eyes dialated. Soon, my field of vision became blurred to the point where no individual image ever faded became 100% motion blurring of my surroundings...and then slowly the reality around me disintegrated into nothing.

I fell into a void of ...I can't even describe this. Movement was very limited, and I muttered a couple of things according to my friends. This is what I deem the Climax/Phase 1. I can hardly remember this place, as it was beyond anything words could possibly describe. In fact, I hardly remember much of what I felt or saw during this period, or even whether my eyes were open or closed.

Phase 2 came what seemed like a year afterward, and it consisted of some recognition of my current situation and the most intense fear I've ever felt in my life. I've NEVER felt that scared. I refer to it now as similar to dying three times. Time totally stopped and I could hear one last beat of my heart within my body. It ceased to function and my brain throbbed with the exploding reality around me. I could make out a couple sentences to my friends consisting of 'I need to come down now...I'm so afraid.' In fact, the fear I felt was the most intense fear I've ever felt in my life.

My friends reassured me everything was fine...I remember seeing the walls around me swirl and turn upside down with colors and power. Slowly, my ego began to piece itself back together, and I could feel the fear slowly start to fade (this isn't saying much, considering how absolutely petrified I was). I slowly began to realize the universal sense of recognition of space, but not time. Time meant nothing to me. I began to stand up, and it became amazingly beautiful... body was totally disconnected from my world...I floated through what seems like hours and hours of time where I couldn't understand what had just happened and why I wasnt dead. I eventually got sober enough to grab a flashlight and cry out 'I'm alive!'.

Over the total course of an hour, this trip threw me totally sideways and shattered my universe in front of my eyes. It was a spiritually enlightening experience.

The most important part of all of this is to have someone there who will ease me through it. My friend's reassuring 'You're doing fine. Everything is fine.' remarks were literally the only things that kept me from crying and pissing myself.

Yes, it can be 'chemical terror', but it can also be 'chemical bliss'. It all depends on how much I smoke and when. Amazing chemical, this stuff is. I know I won't ever find another drug like this.

Is that a bad thing? Maybe not. I am still pondering the full extent of my revelations and fear-induced realizations that are like nothing I've ever felt.

In higher doses, an extreme sense of loss and confusion seem to penetrate my mind for the next 12-18 hours. One of my friends cried about his breakup after taking a fairly good dose (no one came as close as mine, though) and I felt extremely broken and destroyed the next day for a couple hours, as well.

Amazing. That's all there is to describe it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23487
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2008Views: 6,582
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Post Trip Problems (8), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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