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Not Worth It
Citation:   nutmeg. "Not Worth It: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp24235)". Jul 15, 2018.

15 g oral Nutmeg
  15 g oral Nutmeg
My experiance on nutmeg

Woke up in the morning about 7pm before going to school had run out of pot and needed a fix until I could get hold of some more. Was reading and hearing from mates about nutmeg and decided to give it a go. Took about 15g of nutmeg at five past seven. It started to affect me about 7:45 (vaguely stoned feeling) decided to take more when I got to school took another 15g. That stuff tastes like absolute shit! At about 10:00 I was getting disorientated and had trouble speaking. Around 12pm had mild hallucinations and my eyes were VERY bloodshot and pupils were dialated. I was also beginning to feel sick. At around 3pm I felt that I was coming down wasn'tshure though. Still felt stoned. Got home listened to music andbecame incredibly paranoid. Went out couldnt stop laughing. Came home felt tired and went to bed. Today I feel very light headed and nauseaous. The after affects are too awful to put up with. Nutmeg is a one time only drug.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24235
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2018Views: 941
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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