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Deathwish II - 24 Hours
DMAE & Yohimbe
Citation:   panxd. "Deathwish II - 24 Hours: An Experience with DMAE & Yohimbe (exp27478)". Jan 28, 2004.

13 drops oral DMAE (liquid)
    oral Yohimbe (tea)
    oral Ginkgo biloba  
    oral Vitamins - Choline  
I wish to briefly relate to significance of my horrible DMAE-H3 experience. I have been to the point of madness from self-induced suffering from many stimulant type drugs and even psychedelics many times. By the grace of the supreme one, I believe I may recount this nightmare.

After more than a few years of making smart drinks and dabbling with nootropics, one day I found myself at local Herb Shop. By chance and bad decision making, I purchased a new form of DMAE, which I was very familiar with taking as DMAE bitartarate. However, this was the DMAE-H3 LIQUID. I started adding this to a nootropic energy drink along with choline and
Ginkgo. I used about 10 to 15 drops into a old GE drink blender with maybe some Yohimbe tea also from few days before.

After drinking about a 10 oz glass of this stuff, I noticed becoming very edgy and overstimulated in about 3 to 4 hours. a long story short here, the effects were so nonstop, that I had to keep drinking beer to try to calm down. I fought off passing out from the dose a couple of times. I was awake for the next 18 to 24 hours. I had no sedatives save for tequila and beer.

I could not take anymore and thought a heart attack was in store so I called an ambulance. I did black out and paramedics could not find high blood pressure. Mixing this form of DMAE-H3 with Yohimbe or other mind stimulating drugs is in no way worth the mistake.

Exp Year: 1987ExpID: 27478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2004Views: 1,613
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Yohimbe (96), DMAE (151) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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