Mid-day in the (Beer)Garden of Good and Evil
Citation:   psy-marshal. "Mid-day in the (Beer)Garden of Good and Evil: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp37461)". Erowid.org. Oct 20, 2004. erowid.org/exp/37461

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:30   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
Set: Friday afternoon, early September, the end of summer, a final, one-day encore of the wonderful warm weather we had experienced until a couple weeks prior, my best friend and summer travel companion, J, made one last stop through the city where I was before heading to London to get serious again and earn some money for next summer's adventures through Europe. I'd finished work early and we were both in good spirits, ready (as always) to party and play and were looking forward to a new adventure!

We discussed the options and decided on T2, something we were both interested in, but also something not likely to lock us into a bad or undesired experience for hours and hours should something go awry since we didn't have a lot of time to catch up and have fun during his short stay.

Setting: Laughably enough, the following transpired in a public outdoor drinking establishment, the likes of which are very common in the culture where we found ourselves at the time. Not the ideal setting, but it turned out to be hilarious, although I would hesitate slightly to repeat the experience exactly in this location.

Time: 2:30 p.m. (or there-abouts)

T + 0:00 - 20 mgs. of 2c-t-2 were swallowed on a relatively empty stomach, however I always break my fast by eating something light (a piece of toast, a piece of fruit, etc) as I find my stomach reacts better in this state - although I've rarely had stomach problems with any substance I have used. I have one of those blessed 'guts of steel'. As a precaution, however, anti-motion-sickness gum was chewed prior to and during ingestion.

T + 0:30 - After smoking a joint, it was time to head out and get on the train towards the inner-city.

T + 0:45 - First alerts are definitely being felt. (This is really a quick onset!) The other passengers on the crowded train are really starting to make me a bit paranoid and I am not sure in which direction to focus my attention. I am getting full of nervous tension and am starting to feel as though everyone is staring at me which only makes my paranoia worse. Looking towards my mate confirmed that he was in a similar state to me. We both had that wild-eyed 'what's about to happen' look on our faces. Thankfully, the train ride was only about 15 minutes, but we both noticed as we stepped off the train onto the platform, that the trains leaving on both sides in opposite directions were little more than blurs of red, and finer details were becoming hard to make out, although static objects could still be seen as normal.

T + 1:00 - The relief we felt from being off the train and on our way was palpable, although the effects were increasing at an almost alarming rate. There was a slight body load noticed by both of us, more or less just that uncomfortable feeling of over-stimulation of even the smallest of muscles in our body, but it was nothing which was debilitating and is less for me than (but similar to) something like shrooms or LSD. It felt like I needed to move everything at all times, but that doing so increased the trapped energy instead of releasing it. I tried to relax and it seemed to go away very quickly. My buddy reported a brief phase of passing nausea around this time as the effects really took hold.

T + 1:30 - We arrive at the destination, and my mate offered to get the beers himself, although he speaks only English. I thought this was very brave and applaud him to this day. He did tell me though that halfway through the process, he suddenly got an image which would not leave his mind of the other local customers acting like big dopey bears, bumping into each other and grunting, and this analogy described the crowd and the culture so well, it turned out to be the beginning of a three-hour long hysterical laughter session. We started drinking the beers and noticed that the visual aspects were getting incredibly intense. Everything seemed to be in motion and cars driving past often were not seen until they had passed, and only then as still images like a slow-frame movie advancing once or twice per second. I guess you could call them tracers, but more like delayed-response, still-frame tracers.

We chatted for over three hours, although parts of our conversation would perhaps not have made immediate sense to anyone else who could hear us, and I feel that the humour may have been lost outside our realm of reality at that point. We were telling jokes and making fun of everything: our lives, our habits, our outlooks on life, our adventures, the others around us, the general state of the world... The best thing was that things that I would normally feel guilty over or be sadenned and upset by were seen from a completely different and humourous point of view. The topics were serious, but the outlook on them we shared made them seem no less significant, but certainly far less upsetting than normal and it was good to see the lighter side of everything in life. After all, we decided that everything in life is taken far too seriously and people need to loosen up and take the piss a bit more - especially where I live! (I think this was the Australian side of us coming through in full force).

There were points where we were laughing so uncontrollably that we had to remind ourselves that we were still in a quite visible public location, and struggled to maintain control in some way. This was not too difficult as our mental faculties were essentially intact and thought processes, although altered, remained coherent and logical.

Walking to use the toilet was a difficult task, although we both made it at different times without incident. We both did comment on the Mini Cooper which was parked outside the toilet entry which to me looked as though it was a living object with a smiling face and could at any second lick me like a dog, but to him appeared to have a sinister grin and would open it's mouth and eat him if he got too close.

I wish I could remember some of the jokes and comments I made that day. I was on fire and we had ourselves both in stitches. After three hours of talking about everything from politics to our summer travels, mutual friends to weirdos we met while on various adventures, luxury vs. necessity, the HUGE differences in cultures all over the world, and just general senseless bullshit, we had finished a couple beers and decided to make a move. Families were starting to show up for evening picnics and kids were playing far too close to be anything but an annoying distraction.

At this point, the visuals were going away, but only slightly. (My friend remarked a couple of times on the relentlessness of the intensity of the experience - once it was there, it was there, and there was little reprieve; no waves of effects coming and going as with other things we have used.) We walked to central station and tried to find something to eat, as we were both (somewhat surprisingly) very hungry. I was able to have a normal conversation with a work-colleague who phoned me on my mobile about a work-related question around this time. I liked this very much about this substance; the ability to move in and out of altered mental states as necessary. Thought processes were always clear and logical although altered, but could be forced to function as normal whenever necessary. The only thing which persisted without relent were the visual aspects.

T + 4:30 - Having acquired sustenance, we boarded the return train home and found the journey quite pleasant. Jokes were still flying, especially at this point about the other passengers, and almost all paranoia had disappeared. Sadly, so had most of the effects.

T + 5:00 - Right as we got home, my other best friend (D) phoned from Ireland where he was working at the time to have a chat to us. We were still in very light spirits and were constantly joking with him. This is normal when we all are together, but things seemed to be far funnier than normal and even D commented on how hilarious we were being at the time. This made me feel less like a hysterical nut case and more like the normal me, just in a GREAT mood!

The sun was getting low in the sky and the clouds were turning bright pink. While I lay on the couch talking, I marveled at the beauty of jets leaving their pink streams across the intense blue sky, which shimmered and morphed ever so slightly behind the aircraft. The visual effects were only about 20% as strong at this point, but to this day it is one of the most beautiful things I have seen while under the influence of a psychedelic.

t + 6:00 - At this point, the effects were almost completely gone and were being replaced by a mild, dull headache.

We had planned to meet another friend (A) that night and headed off again at about T + 7:00. The headache unfortunately increased and aspirin didn't help a great deal. We were feeling slightly drained of energy, but not lacking at all in mental capacity. Our visit with A was very nice and lasted until into the night. There was absolutely no heavy price to pay and after the effects had simply dropped away, I did not feel any sort of come-down and was not in the slightest depressed or scattered. Another huge bonus for this compound in my books, especially compared with T7!

We slept easily at about T + 12:00 by the time we got home and woke the next morning fresh and rested, although there was a very very mild feeling of having ingested a chemical the day before. This could easily be attributed to the alcohol we had consumed over the entire afternoon and evening. At any rate, it was nothing to make me think twice about another experiment with T2, should it ever happen to fall into my hands again.
This has replaced 2ci as my favorite. For this reason, I plan to keep it a bit sacred. It is nearly my perfect experience. Significant mood enhancement and increased sense of humour; extroverted personality; no mind-fuck; no loss of coherence; no confusion or desire to retreat into my own world; short duration; amazing visuals; easy drop-off after the plateau back to baseline; no significant hang-over; and the body load (which I normally hate most of all from any substance) was far from unbearable. I think this dose is my preferred and perfect dose. One other trial at 14 mgs. was not as intense as I had desired and annoyed me slightly for most of the duration because of this. I am not sure if I want to go higher than 20 mgs., but should the opportunity arise, I am not sure that I would definitely say no either. Guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 37461
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2004Views: 10,200
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2C-T-2 (53) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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