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In a Daze
Citation:   Smbgood. "In a Daze: An Experience with Damiana (exp46414)". Erowid.org. Apr 26, 2006. erowid.org/exp/46414

3.0 g smoked Damiana (dried)
After a long hard day of school, my friend went uptown to the local herbalist and bought as much Damiana as he could buy (at 1$ an ounce, who could go wrong?), and after he had aquired said herb, we sat down on his back porch and proceeded to imbibe as copious amounts of the herb as possible.

After smoking one joint of it, which was double rolled, because he found the Damiana whole herb to be incredibly hard to roll into a cigarette, we followed it with two more bowls of his corn-cob pipe. The Damiana smoke is, to me as well as my friend who is well known in the ways of Cannabis, fairly harsh. We both ended up coughing out a large part of each of our hits. After smoking the herb, we both were completely coherent and talking to eachother, describing the 'high' as being 'stoned, but then not'.

The way my friend put it, 'I start to notice the complete stillness of everything', it makes me zoned, but yet also completely able to still function.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 26, 2006Views: 14,500
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Damiana (107) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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