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Like Having Lockjaw in the Body
Citation:   Kandy K. "Like Having Lockjaw in the Body: An Experience with 5-MeO-DPT (exp46712)". Erowid.org. Jan 9, 2007. erowid.org/exp/46712

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DPT (liquid)
I was able to get ahold of some 5-MeO-DPT (note that it NOT DiPT) at a smartshop in Japan, in a 30mg liquid vial. My friend works at the shop so I dosed 10mg and waited for it to kick in.

Around 30 minutes later, I noticed it taking effect when it was difficult to concentrate on discussion. I kept getting frequently lost amidst the dialogue, and having to ask my friend to repeat his sentences.

One factor that was affecting my inability to pay attention was how my once-relaxed muscles developed into these uncomfortably tense sets of meat. My flesh became unbearably cramped, and I often had to switch from standing to sitting positions to prevent any pain. I stretched my limbs out to relieve some strain, but I don’t think even reclining in a bed would have alleviated the muscle aches. Additionally, I noticed a weak nausea, but it was gentle and passed fairly quickly.

It is a shame that such a body load accompanied the 5-MeO-DPT, because this was the only let-down I was disappointed by. As far as sensation went, it was everything I was seeking. Very…VERY…relaxing, with a bit of dissociation thrown in the mix. Dreamy visuals soothed my mind, giving off the perception that I was examining Tokyo through a snow-globe. The easy visuals included changes in patterning, quite reminiscent to DXM and ketamine. Time also seemed to go as slowly as it does on a good robotrip; I glanced at my watch believing it was almost morning, only to discover it was still midnight.

I was in awe at how brilliantly the city illuminations were glistening around me. It appears that on 5-MeO-DPT, I appreciate imagery from a reflection such as a mirror or glass surface, rather than staring at the actual image itself.

Unlike other dissociatives however, I felt myself become strangely aroused simply standing there at the smartshop. I could practically feel the blood pulsating through myself, and couldn’t help but consider trying 5-MeO-DPT as a love drug. I was a little surprised at how mild effects were, since the trip reports I read suggested that anything above 10mg would be a toxic dose. I felt I could go a little higher, but decided against it, knowing I had a busy week ahead of me, and I wouldn’t be able to stand upright anymore if it increased my muscle cramping. I described my reactions to my friend at the shop, and he seemed interested. Apparently people are generally more energetic on the influence of this, but it seemed to have a sedating effect on me.

Fuck the muscle cramps and body load. If it weren't for that I'd definitely try it again...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46712
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2007Views: 12,961
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5-MeO-DPT (391) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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