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Good Morning Downers
Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen
Citation:   Slowjoe. "Good Morning Downers: An Experience with Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen (exp49103)". Jun 28, 2018.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 120 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 975 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:30 200 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:30 160 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:30 1300 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:30 50 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:30 40 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:30 325 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
At 7:00 am yesterday I took 3 white Butalbital/Acetametaphin/Caffine pills. They had a 'V' on one side, and '2355' I believe, etched into the other. Within 30 minutes, I felt fine like wine. The interesting thing about this particular pill is that it is a barbiturate paired up with caffine, which makes for a different type of feel. It is somewhat like tranquilzers, except that I felt less groggy, though I was definitely high. I am assuming the caffine kept me able to function, which I did. I had the day off, but was able to read, follow conversations, follow movie plotlines, could type letters/operate a computer, and most importantly - STAY AWAKE.

At 3:30pm the same day (8 & 1/2 hours later) I took 4 more, and a 5th at 4:30pm. The second round - though I did take more - gave me nowhere near the buzz the morning dose of 3 pills did.

These pills were originally given to a buddy of mine for tension headaches. I love downers of any kind and have taken many benzos, muscle relaxants, but Butalbital has been the only kind of barbiturate I have any experience with, and given their bad reputation, I was reluctant to take more than 8 in one 24 hour period. Considering that I took both doses on a relatively empty stomach, I was seriously surprised to find that the second dose of 5 pills buzzed me far less than the first dose. Don't get me wrong, I was still faded, but not like before. I am going to assume here that the tolerance for butalbital builds extremely fast - which reminded me of Vicodin. I can see how easily it would be to be addicted to these, or to overdose, since it would take so many more of these pills to get me 'high' time after time.

I suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety, so I have become quite experienced with downers of all kinds over the years. As far as recreational use goes, these Butalbitals aren't as much fun or as euphoric as Benzos or as totally incapacitating as Soma, however they are very useful. As I said, I was totally able to function on quite a whalloping dose - though I would NEVER get into a car and drive it on these things. I spoke with plenty of friends and family who had no idea I was bombed out of my skull. The Caffine doesn't really cancel out the high - but I stayed up very late that night. Eventually, the caffine wore off and I did still feel the Butalbital - sort of. I'd love to try this stuff pure (no tylenol, no caffine), but this was all I could get hold of. Like all downers, I enjoyed it, but it certainly isn't a 'WOW' type of drug. If I want to relax, yet still be able to do the laundry and stay awake, this is a useful pill. I don't know how effective it really is on headaches, but I didn't have one while on it :).

The tolerance factor frightens me.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49103
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2018Views: 4,044
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Caffeine (11), Butalbital (576) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), General (1)

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