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An Unexpected Happening
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue/Flying Saucers) & Cannabis
Citation:   Cookie. "An Unexpected Happening: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue/Flying Saucers) & Cannabis (exp50044)". Aug 8, 2009.

T+ 0:00
450 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 3:00 5 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Before reading this, you should know that this experience was completely unexpected. Now that I look back on it, I know I should've known it was coming.

I had just started my senior year in high school about a week before. It was a Friday morning and a friend and I (let's call him 'J') were driving to school. I asked him if he wanted to skip first period since we were already late. As spur of the moment as it gets, we decided to go to a local store and buy some morning glory seeds so we could trip a little at school and then some afterward. After ingesting about 150 seeds each, we went to class and made it in time for second period. Feeling a slight perspective change throughout the day, we decided it wasn't that great. We did a few things we had to do after school and decided to get some more seeds.

As we're heading back to his house to get a little money, we get a call from a friend of his, 'T.' He asks what we're up to and we tell him we're going to attempt to trip on this thing called 'morning glory seeds.' He didn't know what they were, even though he was an experienced drug user. We get to the store, buy about 9 bags each (which have about 50-65 seeds in each), and head to his friend's house which was being fixed due to hurricane damage, thus abandoned at the time. We take a few minutes to eat all the seeds, grinding them to a mush, and downing it with some Mountain Dew. After sitting around for a little while, we agreed to go to a close-by playground that no one ever goes to and wait for the trip. It was a pretty big let down. After an hour and a half to two hours, we only felt a slight change that's hard to really explain and a little stomach discomfort.

There has to be something to do that would brighten our night up. We instantly think, 'Kryp!' and call a good friend, 'S.' We get in our assorted vehicles and head over to his house. After an hour or so of calling people, talking, and slap-boxing a little, we get a call saying someone got a hold of some kryp. Still feeling basically nothing, we all cheer, looking forward to a nice, relaxing smoke out. As soon as it arrived, we grabbed S's bong and piled into his car (a little, boxy 1990's toyota), which was perfect for the occassion. From the time we ingested the seeds to the time we took our first hit of weed was probably 2-3 1/2 hours. Our first hits were awesome, each of us having to take a minute to get the coughing out of us. We keep passing it around until we all get about 4-6 nice hits.

Instantly, my night got better. We start talking about things (I don't remember what) and it's great. S breaks up the rest of the weed evenly and gives us each our share. At this point, things start to get a little weird. J and I just can't stop laughing. I start making fun of him because he's being such a loser. It was hilarious. At this point in time, I'm feeling like I'm really just one person out of billions of people and that it's completely okay. It feels like I'm really insignificant, but the weird thing is, I'm perfectly happy with it. I close my eyes to see what's going on inside my head. I'm seeing extremely vivid CEVs. Flowers, patterns, walls of identical spinning objects that are constantly changing in unison. I say out loud, 'That's pretty cool,' in my usual monotone voice. Everyone laughs. S and T are sitting up front talking about stuff while J and I are in the back laughing it up. We start doing some weird stuff. I start to feel my teeth and gums in total amazement. It was comforting for some odd reason. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but I was seeing the exact same things that I was seeing when my eyes were closed, but with my eyes open. That's when the open eye visuals started.

After a few minutes, I started to realize I was actually tripping. This was completely unexpected because we figured the morning glory thing was a total failure. At this point, it's about 9 PM and it's very humid outside. The windows have some heavy condensation on them. While looking at the window, I see shadows moving around outside. Then a knock on the window! I thought it was a hallucination, but it was just T knocking on the window. I didn't even know he left the car. As soon as he got back in the car and slammed the door shut, I saw something very weird on the driver side window. I saw the shape of little kids peeking in through the windows. I was kind of freaked out, but didn't know what to make of it. Then the kid turned into a baby and started to tap on the window. Of course, I kept myself together and just thought about how cool it was. I took a second to just look around. This whole time, I'm seeing these walls of patterns and everything. I start to notice that it looks like I'm looking at a small TV screen. My vision's turned into a small screen in the middle of total blackness. It's hard to explain, but it was a very odd feeling.

I looked out the back window. The second I see HIS garage door and house, my house, driveway, and everything around it dropped on top of it. I really thought I had teleported to my house and that the car was a teleportation device. After a few seconds, I laughed at myself for thinking that. That's when I decided to say in a really calm and unusually content voice, 'I'm trippin, guys.' I felt my heart beating inside my head, which worried me a tiny bit, but not much. It felt like my heart was trying to fly out of my chest. Strangely, it felt really good. Waves of warmth washed over me with every heartbeat. It was rather comforting. Not overly intense at all until about ten minutes later, when I got kind of annoyed by it.

We all decided it would be a good time to get out of the car. T moves the seat forward so I can get out, but I don't know what to do. I try to step out of the car, but I sort of fall really slowly and find myself being propped up by my arms which were on the driveway while my feet were still in the car. I crawl out of the car and stand up and get a really intense rush to my head. Everything seems to sparkle and I see static like on a TV. When this head rush goes away, I can see fences from houses across the street. It's hard to explain what I was seeing, but whenever different objects would form shapes, I'd see different things inside those shapes. Like the side/roof of a house, a tree branch, and the top of a fence forming a triangle from my point of view. I'd see reflections of myself in these things. I'd see living rooms, spaceships blasting off, and other crazy things. The tree at the end of his driveway broke in half and turned into an equal sign. Everything around my started to look like it was sort of turning into mush, but still keeping it's shape.

We walked around to S's backyard, which was almost pitch black. When we turned the corner, I saw his patio, which is completely open with a couple of columns holding the roof up over it. As I walk toward it, I hold my hand out as to grab a door handle. Everybody asks what I'm doing. I tell them that there's a pair of double doors made completely out of flowing water there. I asked S when he had those 'installed.' I was later told that I had said, 'rushing water, installed when?' and they didn't even bother to ask me what I was talking about. As I came closer to it, I hit my head on a stained-glass butterfly chime and it all disappeared. After that, I just remember walking from his patio back to the driveway, his mom coming out, telling him to come inside, and him waving to us as we left. We had a surprisingly easy drive home. J and I both had a hand on the wheel. For some reason, we thought this would make it easier, and it pretty much did. I don't remember much besides that and going to sleep.

Overall, I say that was a pretty awesome experience. I recommend trying this to anyone as long as they have a few hours and a safe place to go.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50044
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2009Views: 5,419
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Morning Glory (38), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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