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Felt Like I Was the 'King of the World'
Citation:   MrKidneySton3d. "Felt Like I Was the 'King of the World': An Experience with Oxycodone (exp58148)". Jul 31, 2018.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (liquid)
OC Virgin's First Time


It's December of 2004. I am just 18 years old and it's been maybe a month since I started smoking marijuana. I have never done any drugs up until that point. Yet in high school I was constantly in the hospital with a chronic problem I had in my kidney. With kidney stones and fifteen surgeries. During my time in high school I began to take excessively for about 2 and a half years straight any type of pain pill I had ever heard of up until that point. I'm talking the doc put me on lortabs, norcos, percs, tylenol 3 (with codeine), and ranged me in all types of dosage levels of 5mgs, 7.5mgs, and 10mgs. Needless to say I became addicted but only slightly in high school. After graduation and about six months of staying clean from everything I started to go to partys in college. I went to a major university and what was also considered a major party school.

So I was offered marijuana and tried it and after using it regularly everyday I began to meet other people who were just the same. I ran into people who did all sorts of drugs and was offered many times but was always afraid of doing them. Heroin, cocaine (which I later tried), meth, ex, it goes on and on. I eventually ran into a guy at a party who had a big bottle of pills. We quickly bonded and walked outside on the porch to smoke a blunt and he began to tell me about what kind of pills he had and what kind he could get. He had what appeared to be about 70 or so percocet 10mgs, big 'ol fat make you wanna choke when you swallow them pills. I told him I would take as many as he would sell and he ended up just giving me six of them.

'These are just to hold you off until tomorrow my friend, I'm going to give you a call about five tomorrow evening and you are going to be introduced to one of my best friends.'

I didn't think to ask him what he meant by this but I was too transfixed on the six pills he just handed me out of nowhere at no charge. So we continued to finish the blunt and after that point the rest of the night was a blur.

The next morning when I woke up I still had three of those pills left and a major headache so I took them all, only to notice that it wasn't the morning and instead 3 in the afternoon. I got up and realized I was in my friend's dorm at college and had no clue how I got there. We'll call him Doc. I had no idea why I was at Doc's dorm when I could have just as well been in mine but I wasn't worried too much as whenever I stayed over there we always did a 'wake 'n bake.' Around 4:30 after smoking already two joints, Doc tells me why I was at his dorm. Apparently the guy I met last night that gave me the pills was in fact living in the dorm right next to Doc's. They had a bathroom between the two rooms that the other rooms door to that bathroom was always shut and I have never met the people that lived there. So Doc gets up and gets the dude from the other room, we'll call him Nic.

Nic comes over and has yet another prescription bottle without a label in his hand. He comes over and sits next to me and I pass him the joint I was puffing on.

'So,' he started between puffs of the joint, 'you ever heard of oxycontin?'
'Nope,' I answered. My mind raced to think back to the tiniest detail if I had ever heard anything about the drug but I couldn't recall anything.
By this time I'm already got a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and itchy all over from the three percocet I took earlier that day and with the marijuana on top of that I was feeling great.
'Well, you like those percocet right? One of the oxycontins I have is way stronger then any of those. It's a 40mg. And if you want to try it I'll let you have the first one free.'

I was in no position to turn down any type of pain pill. I loved all that I've tried and highly doubted that I wouldn't like this. I quickly told him that I would like to try it and he pulled out his bottle from his pocket and emptied out a handful of these tiny tiny orange pills. He then took one and handed it to me and needless to say I looked at the tiny pill and back at him with a kind of 'you have got to be kidding me' look.

It was like Nic read my mind because he said, 'big things come in small packages.'

After we finished the joint together Nic and I went to the other part of the room towards the long computer desk that housed Doc's computer, my laptop, and Doc's roomie's computer (even though he hadn't been there in two or three weeks). Nic sat in front of the roomie's computer and I sat in front of my laptop. As I positioned myself in front of the laptop I was about to pop the pill when Nic told me that if I wanted to get the best buzz I was to snort it. So I sat there and moved my laptop back and saw Doc hand Nic money and bought one of the pills from him. It looked like he gave him $25 but I thought I was just hallucinating because Doc only got one pill in return.

Doc then sat down on my left and Nic still on my right. Nic had a bunch of razor blades already left there from an obvious previous staging of this type of event. And also a bunch of straws and a hotel room key. You know one of the key cards.

I had snorted pills a few times before and still remembered the art of breaking it down and everything. I began to place a cigarette pack wrapper over the pill when I was suddenly startled when Nic screamed 'NO!'

He then explained to me that I had to take the orange coating off of the pill before I crushed it. So I took the pill and placed it in my mouth for a few seconds getting it slightly damp and took it out and began to rub the pill with the bottom of my shirt. After the coating was wiped off I noticed my shirt had a big orange spot on it.

Before I was even done with this process Doc was already getting his pill up into two different lines and was about to snort the first one. He stopped however because he wanted to watch me do it first. I continued to get the pill ready. Placed it under the cigarette wrapper, crushed it with my lighter, then once it was ground up into perfect powder I took the hotel key card and placed me out two lines just like Doc had done. Nic had a big smile on his face and handed me a small piece of a straw he had just cut for me.

At this time Doc turned on the music on his computer. It was blaring a rap song I had never heard. I took a deep breath and put the straw up to my nose and leaned slightly over and did the first line.

Immediately the powder found its way from my nose to the back of my throat and I began coughing uncontrollably. I felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach became twisted, my face was flushed, and out of nowhere I had a headache. I ran to the bathroom and could hear Nic and Doc kind of chuckling at the display of tolerance I had just shown. As I was standing over the toilet feeling like I was going to chuck I could hear the other two crushing and snorting their pills.

I stood there over the toilet for about two minutes, having to spit everytime I took a breath, and out of nowhere my body was warm again. My knees felt weak but they felt strong at the same time. My head suddenly stopped hurting and the nausea went away. It was a general pain pill rush but something was different. I couldn't tell what it was until I stood straight up. When I did the full effect of the drug hit me and took my body by storm.

I was in Heaven. Pain pill Heaven. I loved it. I ran the water in the sink for a second to get a little water in my nose to get a drip and with each inhale through the nose the drip in my throat got stronger and stronger. I couldn't believe what was happening. I had never had that kind of feeling off of a pill before. I walked back in the room and knew my eyes were red so I put in eyedrops. I sat back down in between Doc and Nic and felt like I was the 'king of the world.'

Everything just seemed more pleasant. I was talking about everything, I just felt like I could open up and talk about whatever. Nothing bothered me. Doc handed me a cigarette and said, 'you will love how these taste on oxys.' I lit the cigarette and Doc couldn't have been any more right, it was the best tasting cigarette of my entire life. We all three sat there and Doc and I were playing CounterStrike with each other on the internet and Nic continued to hack around on Doc's roommate's computer until he finally figured out his password and was able to join. After about thirty minutes Doc rolled another joint and we sat there and played CounterStrike and passed it around.

I felt like everything was 100% more fun. I loved the buzz so much. At about eight o'clock another friend of mine comes over to Docs, we'll call him George. George brought over two big bottles of vodka and whiskey and his XBox. I stopped playing counter strike and did my other line of oxy. Doc and Nic had already done their second line about an hour or two after the first one. Again when the powder hit my nostrils I got the sick nausea feeling again but this time not so bad. Everything I had been feeling previously before had been maximized now. I was totally at the peak of the night and didn't think that I could get any higher. I was wrong.

Nic came over to me and George and poured himself a Jack and coke. I was already drinking mine and George was taking straight vodka shots. Nic offered me to buy a pill and I asked him how much and he said he'd sell me each one for $20. I told him sure and bought one from him. Doc finally made his way over to where we were and began drinking his whiskey straight. I couldn't ever drink straight shots, I could drink a lot of liquor but never straight.

After about two glasses of 3 parts whiskey 1 part coke I was feeling crazier than I had ever felt before. I was trying to focus on playing Halo against George and Doc (Nic. Had already given up on playing the game) but I simply couldn't think about anything else but smoking another joint. But we ran out of weed. Nic and I quickly walked across the campus to a dude we knew that sold weed from his dorm and got a half ounce. As we were walking back to the 'party' Nic decided to walk over to the strip and go to a gas station. I was feeling great. My pain pill buzz from the oxy was still strong on after about 4 hours of time passing. It was roughly about midnight when we decided to go to the gas station.

[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]
Nic refused to tell me why he was wanting to go to the gas station but still I followed. We went into the bathroom and Nic locked the door and got out another oxy. He then continued to do something I had never seen before, he got out a syringe and spoon and melted the oxy down and shoot it up. He offered it to me but I resisted quickly, but that didn't keep me from doing another 10mgs worth from the one I bought from him earlier. When he saw how much I was doing without thought he cut a quarter piece from his and told me to do both of them, so 20mgs again. I asked him why he did this and he told me that he just wanted me to not say anything about him shooting up to anybody because nobody knows. I quickly agreed and did my 20mgs while he shot his up.

Now completely screwed outta my mind we walked out of the bathroom and I went to the counter and bought a carton of cigarettes. It wasn't even for myself, I just had the sudden urge to buy cigarettes for everybody. It was part of the buzz I was getting from the oxy. I just felt like I wanted to be everybody's friend and even the people that pissed me off I wanted to be their friend. I didn't understand it because I had never felt that before.

Anyways, Nic and I made our way back to the dorm and by the end of our trip we had quickly become good friends. We were greeted back at Doc's place with big welcome and when I threw packs of cigarettes at everybody from my carton the welcome was even greater.

We continued the night with drinking and smoking and Doc did some more oxy but I didn't do any more that night.

All in all it was a great experience!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 58148
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 31, 2018Views: 1,791
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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