Smooth Energy Under the Stars
2C-E & Alcohol
Citation:   indica. "Smooth Energy Under the Stars: An Experience with 2C-E & Alcohol (exp65225)". Nov 29, 2007.

20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  0.5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
This trip report is rather brief, and it is hard to go into 'introspective' detail as it is a rather 'shallow' substance, so I will do my best to describe this experience in text.

The past weekend was spent in the company of some great dudes at a place called Fortescue Bay in the Southern Region of Tasmania, a really scenic place in a small bay right off the continental shelf. Upon leaving my home, I grabbed my drug box and headed out the door. We prepared and made the 2 hour drive down to our destination. The first night was enjoyable, but I was extremely tired from lack of sleep the night before. I drank a little wine and passed out rather early and had a hard night of sleep in a cold tent (it's winter here in Tassie at the moment).

On our second day, we went on an epic walk to the nearby cliffs in the area. It was a 2 hour return walk, but it was rough. Rugged terrain and giant hills that were extremely difficult to traverse. After the hike I was extremely exhausted, and all the muscles in my body were really sore and worn out. I knew I would have to take some drugs that night, but I wasn't sure if I could for I felt as if I could pass out at any moment.
About 3pm I hit the tent and took a quick nap which was about 3 hours. I woke up just as dark had set in and ate a small amount of food. I put off eating any drugs for another couple of hours until around 10pm. My good friend maxwell had already eaten an 8mg gelcap of 2ce and wanted to eat another 8mg. I eyeballed roughly a double dosage of 8mg, give or take a couple of milligrams and licked it off my small glass snorting-tray. The taste was disgusting. Phenethylamines taste revolting by nature, and I quickly washed it down with a few mouthfuls of goon (wine from a bladder, cheap and nasty).

I was still extremely fatigued and became a little axious as to what I had just gotten myself into. I wasn't sure if I could handle a heavy trip that night, but it was too late to turn back now. About 11.30pm I started to feel the first signs. My vision became slightly altered and I saw very faint colour changes and shadows took on a slightly different shape and meaning.

Before I continue, I would like to point out that I am not trying to make this drug out to be something that it is not. I have read a lot of reports that detail heavy spiritual aspects and a certain amount of 'headfuck'. This drug has a very steady maintaining of relevant sanity. IE - I am still very much 'there' in roughly the same nature as I am on ecstacy. There is no real altered perception of reality (not at this dose, anyway) and it is in no way like LSD for me.

After about 20 or so minutes of first alerts, I needed to empty my bowels. I made a few trips up to the camp-grounds toilets, and while sitting on the toilet I noticed that my visual field was shifting quite a lot. It was not really a smooth, subtle shifting, but more an electric, charged, buzzy shifting. As if the electricity surging through my body at that point was changing my vision slightly. The colours of my surroundings became increasingly vibrant and 'red'. I began to feel more and more uneasy and uncomfortable as the effects increased. I by no means wanted to be 'tripping' hard in these campgrounds as it was a fairly foreign environment with very little creature comforts to offer security.

After my last trip to the bathroom, my body began to get more and more electric. My mind became more charged by the substance. My jaw started to clench a little and my mouth and throat became rather sticky. It was imperitive that I maintained a steady intake of fluids, at first wine was my liquid of choice, but this soon took on an offensive flavour and I had to revert to water to satisfy my lust for hydration. About here I was still 'coming up' and I was worried that I had 'taken too much' and eyeballed a rather hefty dose, but I kept reminding myself of the reports I had read that heavier doses were still manageable and not too intense, still, I wasn't sure of my own body chemistry, and I couldn't deny that I was feeling and behaving in a very uneasy manner.

It was definately altering my behaviour. I kept feeling as if held the charisma that MDMA offers, but it was being exerted in a very different manner, and almost awkward. It was very fun, but kind of unnerving, because I was very aware that I was behaving rather differently and a little weird, but I shunned this off because I knew why this was, and hoped that I wouldn't offend anyone. Soon enough, the others who we were camping with began to head back to their tents to sleep, and it was myself and Maxwell left around the fire to our own devices. I felt as if I could have stayed awake all night, but I didn't quite make it that far. We decided to head down to the jetty in the bay and lie there for a while and see what was going on. We took the guitar down and collapsed onto our backs looking up to the stars.

I feel as if at this point I began to peak. My body was absolutely surging with energy. I was having muscle spasms in my arms and legs, I attribute that to the cold air that night as well as the drug rushing through my body. We were chattering away like maniacs, mostly Maxwell was doing the talking as I was trying to figure out if I could handle what I was experiencing. The sky above us looked amazing. It was really clear but there was no moon, and all we had was the stars above us. I could begin to see lines connecting all the stars like a connect-the-dots kind of picture, and I began to see amazing constellations that would rotate around each other.

At this point, I began to contemplate my journey with drugs, and why I had chosen to enjoy this particular substance. Why am I avoiding the introspective 'headfuck' of LSD and shrooms? I am merely hiding from them because I cannot handle what they do to me and where they put me. What am I chasing. This thought started running through my head.

'What am I chasing? I am chasing an experience without altered perception of anything, where I can appreciate beauty.'

The answer became frighteningly obvious.

'It's called reality. The best trip is reality'

Well, that may be so, but I'm enjoying myself here. My body was still pulsating and I was spasming very hard. I began to feel a very faint sensation of 'slipping away' and losing my handle. If I had taken a few milligrams more, I believe I may well have slipped into a full blown LSD-like headfuck trip, but it managed to maintain a pleasant 'shallow' aspect that became easier to slip into and enjoy.

I started peaking out hard. It was a lot like an MDA-type rushing, but without the euphoria. Perhaps with MDMA this drug would be sweet. The sky above us was pulsating with waves of light and shimmering ripples that blew me away. Maxwell asked me to play 'Shimmer' on the guitar but I tried and failed. We ended up belting out half of 'House of the Rising Sun' but I gave up soon as I forgot the words and had to succumb to the sensations through my body.

After some mindless drivel, I stood up to take a piss and looked down at the water and saw something I had never seen in my life before. The flashing 'bugs' that pulsate electric blue energy after being struck with light. I had never seen this before, and at first I thought I was tripping so hard that I was imagining it. I had been to the beach many times at night before but had never seen this phenomenon. Maxwell soon explained to me what they were and I was blown out by it to an amazing degree.

We laid back down and continued looking up to the stars drivelling shit. All of a sudden mid sentence, the most enormous shooting star I have ever seen slowly zoomed across the sky. It was huge, like a comet, and spanned the entire sky, from horizon to horizon. I cried out with amazement. Two words: Fucking awesome.

After a while, we made our way back up to the campsite. We had all but run out of firewood, and I felt as if I was relying on the fire to maintain my mood and motivation to stay awake. It was becoming really dark and hours slowly started whittling away. The drug kept offering me MDMA-like sensations of wanting to talk, but my mind was rather absent of valuable input to add to the conversation. It was definately lacking the element of warmth that MDMA offers, which leads me to believe that this substance would synergise with MDMA in an excellent way.

I felt as if I had to keep myself moving, keep finding twigs and whatnot to throw on the fire. Our conversations were rather maniacal. Certainly, the drug had begun altering our mood, and it went to discussing personal matters, rediculous debates, general drivel and whatnot. My visual field was still altered somewhat in that shadows took on more intensity and lights were flickering through the trees and across the sky.

Eventually the conversation became, how should I say, somewhat strange. It took on an element of speaking whatever random thought had come across the mind. At one point maxwell was yelling into the dark at campers at another site, speaking threatening things like 'If you think I can't see you, you're horribly mistaken. I'll kill you' and such, sort of semi-serious, semi-malicious and semi-imaginary, as if he was slipping into his imagination somewhat. I can't entirely speak of him, but it became quite apparent at this point that the drug was trailing off and leaving pieces of us left in areas of our mind, scattering us somewhat.

After a couple of hours of this and around 4.30am I decided to give up on keeping the fire going and hit the hay. I felt as if I had let maxwell down as he was keen to stay up and charge on into the day. If we had more firewood, I certainly would have, although this could well have been an illusion. I'd had very little sleep over the past 2 days and I felt exhausted. I climbed into the back of a car and fell asleep within half an hour, comically listening to Maxwell outside lying in his tent with the guitar repeating over and over and over again 'I've got the guitar.... I've gooooooooooot the guitar'.

As I was trying to get to sleep, I felt a small pain in my liver region, like it had been 'drained' or 'stressed' or something. It wasn't too bothersome, and my body was still kind of cramping up, but it was pretty easy to put up with, and I fell asleep with no real worries at all, except for the cold and hardness of the surface I was sleeping on.

Morning came, and I was woken up by Rex. I hardly felt any fatigue or scatteriness at all, and felt pretty much as if I had little sleep and just enjoyed a really solid weekend of physical and mental exertion. We packed up the camp, got in the cars and took a very detoured trip home. I noticed that in the last hour or so of the car ride home I was feeling rather edgy, and small things were starting to bother me, such as the drivers inability to maintain a steady pace (constantly slowing down and speeding up as opposed to keeping his foot steady on the accelerator constantly so as not to do this). I still felt a little bit of jaw clenching and a desire to eat quite a lot. When I got home I ate a large bowl of cereal and drank a lot of orange juice and watched a movie (Amelie, which is a really great French film) and went to bed around 12am. I slept very thoroughly and woke up the next day (today) around 1pm feeling rather refreshed and still a little tired from the heavy weekend of physical exertion.

All in all, I really enjoyed this substance. At first the body load was rather intense and hard to deal with, and I have a tendency to be really anxious when I'm going into trips on these kinds of substances. This was easy to deal with once I had reached the peak and I really liked how it made me feel. Perhaps next time I will pick my setting just a little more wisely as well as timing, as 10pm isn't really a great time to ingest a substance that has the potential to keep you awake for 20 hours. I will probably up my dose just a little and will aim for around 25mg next time.

I much preferred this over 2cb as it has a rather different feel to it. 2cb is very buzzy whereas 2ce is a little smoother and easier to deal with, mind you I snorted roughly the same amount of 2cb which would account for it's intensity and the discomfort I experienced.

Good stuff. If I can get my hands on some MDMA, then I will try a MDMA + 2ce combo, as I feel they could go VERY well together, and the 2ce would be a very appropriate replacement for MDA, although perhaps not better, it would be good to try.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2007Views: 10,486
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