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Fuckin Addicted IT'S REAL
Citation:   addicted to dope . "Fuckin Addicted IT'S REAL: An Experience with Heroin (exp67799)". Oct 17, 2020.

  IV Heroin (liquid)
I started using heroin by injection in 05 and have been doing it since then but there have been a lot of road blocks in my use. Usually I am with my dope friends and driving around to get it everyday we don’t usually do anything except get high and try to find money. I started out just using a 1/4 of tar which was only $10 but that only lasted maybe 2 weeks and then the euphoric effect wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. The effects that I felt these first times were extreme relaxed state, very euphoric, warm and slow reaction and concentration, and nodding out. I am a downer girl and love them downers oxycontin, percocet , morphine and others.

When I started using a balloon a day $40 I started to think about my drug use...but I loved the feeling so much but I couldn’t let it go..some of my friends that didn’t do it started finding out that I was doing it and told me I was addicted but I didn’t believe them no junkie does. By then I was spending about $800 a week on heroin. I was getting bad off not listening to my parents stealing money from friends, gone everyday on the hunt for people who wanted to spilt the cost. Started not being able to sleep and if I didn’t have heroin in the morning waiting in my needle I didn’t get up until I got it. I have been in jail 3 times now have 2 felonies of breaking and entering and theft of brass flower urns from a cemetery. The withdrawal effects were no good it felt like my body was shutting down I couldn’t think or function, I went to rehab so I could get my life back together but that didn’t work either that’s when everything went downhill.

I signed out of rehab after being there for 3 weeks, came home and called my dope man for $200 worth of heroin which is 14 balloons. I started by doing some with my friends, I put 1 ½ balloons of tar in my spoon which normally I would have been doing 3 balloons but since I was in rehab I wanted to decrease how much I was going to use because I didn’t want to overdose...... well I was also driving while shooting up with my friends..I was putting the heroin in my veins at the park and all of the sudden everything went black.....I overdosed, my friends said they didn’t want to call 911 because of the cops.. So they took me to the ER which was only down the road and I was purple and stiff when they got me in their when I woke up I was on IVs and everything else and then they told me what happened and said I had a very little chance I was going to live....but I did and was very lucky .. well then I got out and went right back to doing dope starting out at a half balloon so I new I wasn’t going to overdose. And now I am still addicted and trying to quit I have seen so many people overdose inc. me and its not fun.. But I keep going back to it because it gives me a certain comfort and the need for it is just crazy.Im not saying don’t try heroin because that would mean I was a hypocrite because I love it im saying don’t get addicted it sucks and bad things happen your veins collapse and then you have to find different ones and it can be very emotional went you know you have dope and cant find one I sometimes cry. WITHDRAWAL is the worst thing. I WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET HEROIN. ANOTHER THING IS I DON’T CARE IF I HAVE SEX OR NOT I DON’T HAVE THE NEED FOR IT and let me tell you before I did heroin I loved sex but know its just all about the heroin...........

Exp Year: 2005-2007ExpID: 67799
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2020Views: 1,272
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Heroin (27) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Overdose (29), Not Applicable (38)

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