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A Very Addictive Drug I Don't Plan to Ever Stop Using
Oxycodone (Oxycontin)
Citation:   KoTtOnMoUtH. "A Very Addictive Drug I Don't Plan to Ever Stop Using: An Experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin) (exp74455)". Apr 26, 2016.

Perfect but Deadly

First off I'd like to give you information on the mind altering substances that I've tried in my lifetime. Smoking pot and drinking alcohol was a daily routine, along with the occasional use of opioids, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and cocaine occasionaly.

My first experiance with opiates was when I was young (age 14). Id snatch a few of my dads norcos 10/350 (hydrocodone/acetaminophen). I would take two and get a very pleasant and euphoric high that would approximately last 2-4 hours. After a few years my dad's medication was changed, he still received the norcos for breakthrough pain, but was also given transdermal fentanyl patches 100ug. I've taken the gel inside those and dryed it out, then smoked it on top of some marijuana. I received the most euphoric rush which I can only compare to injecting good quality heroin. Then yet again his medication was changed from the fentanyl patches to oxycontins (40mg's) and this is where my life changed.

I'd swap 3 or 4 of those a week. Cut them in half and crushed then. I would insufflate 20mg's and within 5 minutes I was feelin the effects. It would be similar to taking 30mg's of hydrocodone but alot better in my opinion. 3 or 4 turned into 5 or 6, and then into 7 or 8 until he began noticing that someone was taking them. Thats when I knew I had to stop stealing from him, so what'd I do? I turned to the streets. I found a very reliable connect that payed her doctor to prescribe her bottles of eighty 160mg's oxycontin pills. When she sold me the first 20 pills for 60$ she informed me that these were really strong and to be very careful.

When I got home I crushed up one of the oval dark blue pills and made it into 16 fairly thin lines. And proceeded to snort 4, almost instantly I felt the very familier onset of the oxycontin. Thats when I did some research and figured out that around my area oc's go for 1$ a mg. And I was gettin them dirt cheap. So I started selling to support my habit.

The first time I sold 2 of the 160mg's for 100$ and that's when it hit me, I can quit my job and just sell these and make more money in 1 day then I would working 2 weeks at my job. My clientele only grew until I was buying the whole bottle from my dealer, and selling them within 3 or 4 weeks. Although I was using myself I limited my use only so I can make the highest amount of money possible. This continued for a couple years, I bought my own car, completely paid for a 2 bedroom 2 bath house.

This is when my use increased, I'd say to myself I have my own house, my own car and several thousand dollars in the bank, It won't matter if I use a couple more pills.
I'd say to myself I have my own house, my own car and several thousand dollars in the bank, It won't matter if I use a couple more pills.
But before you know it I was taking 80 mg's at a time, I'd need at least 40mg's to get out of bed in the morning. But since I had such a reliable connect not once have I had a dry period that I didn't have any on me, so I never experienced any withdrawals. Me and my girlfriend would probably go through 320mg's a day, and finally my supplier's doctor got their licence suspended for some reason. I thought to myself 'It shouldn't be that hard to obtain them from someone else' and how was I wrong. I found a dealer that would sell 80mg's for 40$, thats when I stopped selling and started buying them just for me to use along with my girlfriend occasionally. In half a year my bank account was almost completely depleted. Then the worst possible thing happened, My new dealer ran out 4 days before he got his next script. And that's the first time withdrawals hit me.

Cold sweats, hot chills, tremors, I just wanted to kill myself it was so bad. My girlfriend got norcos from a friend of hers and I'd have to take ten norcos to just relieve the withdrawals thats 100mg of hydrocodone and 3250 mg's of acetaminophen. The four days passed and I got my usual amount of sixty oxycontins 80mg's. I already knew by then that I was addicted but I said to myself that I didn't need help.

My girlfriend went to rehab because she got arrested for possession of a controlled substance (oxycontin) and enrolled detox clinic. My use continued but I managed to wean myself down to 40-60 mg's a day which was a huge accomplishment for me. When my girl got out her doctor prescribed her methadone and instructed her that in 2 months he would completely take her off of those. She insisted to me that she didn't need any more opiates and just filled the scripts and gave me all of them. So what'd I do? Traded her whole script for a bottle of eighty 40mg's oxycontins.

And that's where I'm at today, I think oc is a very addictive drug and don't plan to ever stop using. I only dose myself once every other day to keep my tolerance low, and its been working for me.
I only dose myself once every other day to keep my tolerance low, and its been working for me.
I'm only taking 40mg's a day and and currently don't plan on tryin to lower my dosage anymore.

Oxycodone is a extremely addictive drug, and its use is a growing epidemic. I encourage anyone interested in opiates to give oxycodone a try, but I must insist that you carefully limit your use due to its addictive potential.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 74455
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 26, 2016Views: 2,567
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Oxycodone (176) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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