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Mixed Feelings but Mostly Great
Anadenanthera colubrina
Citation:   Cliffyboro. "Mixed Feelings but Mostly Great: An Experience with Anadenanthera colubrina (exp78319)". Apr 14, 2011.

2 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera colubrina (ground / crushed)
This is my first experience with any sort of hallucinogenic drug.

I've been looking online for something to make me trip for a while. In the past I had tried Baby Hawaiian Woodrose seeds a couple of times with no good effects. So, I started looking about for some Peruvian Torch for some mescaline. As I was looking, I came across something that I had seen before but never really took much notice of. Yopo. Actually, Yopo refers to a different type of seed, Anadenanthera peregrina. The colubrina variety snuff is known as Cebil.

After a day or so of researching, I decided to buy 50 seeds for the cheap price of £5. I also bought 25g Calcium Hydroxide for £3. The seeds came one day before the calcium hydroxide so I decided to smoke a few of the seeds to see if I got anything from it. I put 3 seeds, crushed, on big pipe and toked away on it. As I was smoking it, I noticed the sunburn I got the previous day started tingling madly. This was the only noticable effect.

The next day, the calcium hydroxide arrived. Straight away I decided to get making some snuff. This is what I did:

4 seeds placed in a frying pan, lightly toasted for around 3 minutes until the shell cracked open. Next, the shells were totally removed. I then put the insides of the seeds in an envelope and ground them up using a rolling pin. This worked very well.

I removed the powdered seeds from the envelope and placed it in a white bowl. I added some calcium hydroxide at a ratio of about 4:1 seeds/calcium hydroxide and mixed it up. After mixing it, I added a few drops of water and turned the powder into a a sort of paste. After playing with it for a few minutes to make sure it was all mixed up, I spread the paste on a white plate and placed it on the window sil in the sun for about 2 hours. Every so often I would break the paste up to expose the more damp parts.

After the 2 hours of drying, I placed the powder in the envelope again and went over it with the rolling pin. I removed it from the envelope and chopped it all up with a razor blade. This got the powder very fine indeed. Snuff complete.

I was a little hesitant at first to put so much snuff up my nose. I decided to have a bath before I snorted the snuff. A mistake I made was taking the snuff into the bathroom with me. As I lay in the bath I decide to make 2 lines, using only half of the snuff, 2 seeds worth. Without thinking I snorted one line up each nostril. The snuff went in pretty easily and I didn't notice any burning or any pain at all. All it really was was the snuff felt uncomfortable in my sinus area.

Within 30 seconds, I start to feel the effects kicking in. I felt immense pressure in my head and my legs started to feel real heavy. This sent a feeling of panic through my body but subsided after a few seconds. I quickly decided to jump out of the bath at about 45 seconds after snorting. I picked up a towel to try and dry myself but the body load I felt was strong and I felt I couldn't managed to get dry. I was correct as about 1 minute in, I started having strong open eye visuals. This was quite pleasant as it looked like everything had some sort of plastic coating. I also thought I could see the air around me.

I rushed into my bedroom, put on The Doors and jumped into bed, totally naked and still wet from the bath. I layed on my back, totally excited by the visuals. By now, the visuals were really intense and my body felt extremely weird.

I decided to close my eyes as I was excited to experience some closed eye visuals. I was certainley not disappointed. The CEV's were more intense than the OEV's. I could see lots of colours swirling round all over the place. At this point, I started to feel very nauseus. I leaned over the side of my bed and threw up into a bucket I had ready. As I was throwing up, my vomit looked amazing to the point I started playing with it with my finger. It looked and felt like nothing I have experienced before.

Once I had vomited, I felt a lot better and the visuals were getting more and more intense. I laid on my back again and closed my eyes. I could once again see colours swirling about all over but this time, I could see images in them. It was sort of like at the end of The Matrix when Neo can see the agents in the hall but in the green text. For me this was really exciting. In the colours I could see a young girl, maybe 5 years old, planting a flower in soil. I can still picture her in my mind. She had a straw hat on with a daisy in it and she was wearing dungarees.

At this point, I am probably 8 minutes into the trip, hitting the peak and I have The End by The Doors playing. The song is fairly mellow and then builds up to be quite fast and intense. As the music got more intense, the CEV's got more intense. Also, the drums in the music kept playing twice and Jim Morrison's voice was changing pitch all the time. This was a really good feeling.

The peak lasted about 15 minutes but when the effects were wearing off, they were still really intense. I kept having the urge to dance but in a weird way, kind of like, waving my arms about and twisting them round each other. When I was doing this, my mind was telling me that this was exactly what I should be doing and it felt totally right to do it.

For the next 20 minutes or so, the CEV's die off but OEV are still there. They are quite mild but really fun to look at. About 45 minutes in, all visuals have gone but I now feel very euphoric. It feels kind of like a very mild MDMA buzz. This eventually wears off about an hour after snorting the snuff.

Overall, my experience of the visuals was really mind blowing and exciting. The only bad thing I can say about this snuff is the nausea is really terrible and the body load feeling is really unnerving. I will definitely be trying this stuff again, probably in a few weeks time.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78319
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2011Views: 9,580
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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