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Was Going Into a Depressive Cycle When I Dosed
Citation:   JorDANK. "Was Going Into a Depressive Cycle When I Dosed: An Experience with LSD (exp81315)". Jul 9, 2019.

2 hits   LSD
Bipolar and the Effects of LSD

I have bipolar disorder which has gone untreated for about 6 months. I was going into a depressive cycle when I dosed. The LSD I took was called Alice in Wonderland and was extremely strong, in fact the trip lasted about 14 hours. I took it at about 7:00 pm and probably had the best trip of my life.

Later that night, looking at the stars was like looking through a kaleidoscope; they were spinning and rotating, and I could see an entire spectrum of color surrounding each of those little white lights in the sky. The trees that surrounded me were these live sentient beings dancing in the night.
The trees that surrounded me were these live sentient beings dancing in the night.
The world seemed drawn-- animated-- to me, like a cartoon. I was talking with my boyfriend late into the night on various subjects: the effects of hallucinogens, creation, the existence of a fourth dimension, the existence of God. During this conversation I met the woman that I want to be. She was confident, self-sure, intelligent; she could express herself articulately, and she was happy.

The trip lasted well through the night and into the next morning, which got me worrying-- had I gone crazy? But after a full nights rest I realized it was just lack of sleep and a surprisingly long trip that was dragging me down. The most surprising thing was the depressive cycle that had taken effect well before I dosed up seemed to dissipate, and I was back to my normal mood; neither manic nor depressed. I wouldn't suggest LSD as a mood stabilizer or a medication for Bipolar disorder of any sort. I've taken prescription mood stabilizers, anti depressants and anti-psychotic drugs, and truthfully for me LSD gave me a renewed state of mind and made me feel better equipped to handle a condition that has been without a sufficient solution for years now.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81315
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 879
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27)

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