Fear and Emerging Beauty
Citation:   the dreamer. "Fear and Emerging Beauty: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp81429)". Erowid.org. Jul 7, 2018. erowid.org/exp/81429

7 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT
Date: 9-26-09
Material: 5-meo-mipt
Dose: 7mg
Setting: My parents home; A beautiful and private house in the woods. Our only other company are 2 small dogs.

At 2:00pm we both took roughly 7mg of 5-meo-mipt. It is probably the most disgusting tasting RC I’ve known. Within 15 minutes I was feeling the effects and by 25 minutes the feeling and visuals were full blown. The fast lift off was disturbing to both of us although I didn’t vocalize this as I’ve always been somewhat of the anchor during our trips.

Fear of Death:
At the 25-minute mark my wife began curling into a fetal-like position and complaining of stomach pain. She was unusually quiet with her head down and answered most questions with a whimpering yes or no. I was also noticing her shaking when she moved. This went on for about a half hour. I was fearing her potential death, which spawned me into facing many terrifying scenarios such as facing our families if such a tragedy were to happen. This made me feel a a deep urge to be honest with the people around me about these experiences.
I was fearing her potential death, which spawned me into facing many terrifying scenarios such as facing our families if such a tragedy were to happen. This made me feel a a deep urge to be honest with the people around me about these experiences.

The Flood Gates of beauty:
As the trip continued to have a fearful and uncertain direction, I tried everything I could to transcend the trip to a happy place. I reminded her we are under the influence of a drug and this state is only temporary. I played music I knew she liked. I encouraged her to drink water. I attempted jokes and tried to share a laugh. I asked her about what she was experiencing. I suggested “letting go and letting it flow”. I rubbed her back and assured her I was there for her and wouldn’t ever let anything bad happen. The final straw that caused the shift of the trip was when we changed scenes and went out to the house’s gazebo. It was rainy but full of light and surrounded by lush green surroundings. The change of scenery as it had in the past succeeded in a positive mood change. Within 15 minutes she was opening up and within a half hour we were laughing and back on a sweet path.

While we were out, one of the dogs got dirty and needed a shower so we headed inside. Giving the shower and watching the dogs run around after provided lots of comic relief. At that point the trip was in a completely positive and enthusiastic place. The conversation was flowing better than ever.

The Cutting Edge of Medicine:
We talked about the importance of what we are doing. We talk about how this type of neuro-medicine couldn’t be learned from by animal testing other than finding the LD50. By calculated experimenting and providing trip reports, we are doing a service to future generations. We are the risk takers and pioneers on the cutting edge of medicine.

This was a trip that brought my wife and me closer than any previous trip. It felt like a death and rebirth. Although the initial lift off was a bumpy ride, we eventually settled in and shared some transcending conversations and therapeutic laughter. The only thing I might try different next time is taking half to begin with and the other half after an hour to ease the come up.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81429
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jul 7, 2018Views: 1,365
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Second Hand Report (42), Relationships (44), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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