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The Wonder Years
Amphetamines (Adderall)
by Burg
Citation:   Burg. "The Wonder Years: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp84882)". Erowid.org. Jul 20, 2010. erowid.org/exp/84882

    Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
Fresh out of highschool, and eager to progress to the next federally regulated confinement, I moved from Missouri, to my hometown in Illinois. Until this point, my drug-use ranged from the basics (weed, alcohol, misc. psychedellics) to the less-common substances such as random RC's, or even a few OTC's. About a month before the Fall semester started, I chronically attended booze-crazy, isolated campfires with a few friends to live it up, before the imprisonment of a higher education. It wasn't until mid-way through, one of my good friends aquired a prescription for adderrall. One evening before the biggest bash yet, she offered me 3 pink pills, and told me they'd keep me going. My current mindset was optimistic, overjoyed, and unrealistically aware of the impact this night would hold against the next few months.

It seemed almost like cocaine, or ecstacy. My normal social-awkwardness did a 180 degree turn-around. I was openly engaging conversation with minor aquaintences, flirting heavily with any attractive female withen a ten-foot radius. I also found that the Adderrall had bestowed amazing alcohol tolerance, as I easily consumed a 12-pack I'd brought along, withen a mere 20-30 minutes. And even after draining my supply, I managed to bum a few beers from fellow beer enthusiast. The party died down after 3 or 4 hours, leaving myself, alongside 4 good friends to finish the stockpile, and clean the mess. Even at 5:00 AM, I felt like I was ready to stay up the next day, and work, work, WORK.

After a few weeks of the same old, same old, I found myself purchasing roughly 300 mg every few days, and actually busying myself in chores, homework, and TONS of drawing/writing. I feel the drug gave me artistic drive, and believing that it truly was, a wonder drug.

College finally rolled around, and Adderrall was doing wonders for my grades. I'd sit in class, and finish two assignments before the Professor had explained one. Though after to long, the euphoric high dissapated, and I was left with nothing but nervous energy. I'd degraded to the point of crushing the pills up, and keeping them in empty pill capsules, so I could insuffalate 40-60 mg between classes. I'd feel unstoppable, and incredible, until about 30 minutes later. The tension remained, but my focus was lost, and all I could think about was more adderrall. By this time I realized I had a problem, but denied myself as an addict.

Fast-forward 2 months: I've failed school, entirely. My priority was simply, 'more adderrall'. I was up to taking 150 mg a day, and sometimes I'd binge for about a week. Luckily, I have a loving girlfriend, who helped my through it. I'm still craving it daily, and want nothing more than to pop a couple XR's, and go skate. Though I'm to determined not to fall back into such a destructive habit.

*Word to the Wise: Add's are great if you occasionally have a large product you need accomplished. But be weary, shes a tempting mistress, who could possess you in a matter of weeks.*

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 20, 2010Views: 6,543
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Amphetamines (6) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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